demianturner / sgl-docs-tickets-migration-test

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PHP Notice, when session times out - with CMS installed #1750

Closed demianturner closed 11 years ago

demianturner commented 11 years ago

I get the following error when attempting to access the admin section after an extended period of time (i.e. session has expired)

MESSAGE: Undefined index: TRANSLATION TYPE: Notice FILE: /home/directory/public_html/sgl1/lib/SGL/String.php LINE: 267 DEBUG INFO:

262 return self::translate2($key, $filter, $aParams, $langCode); 263 } 264 $c = SGL_Config::singleton(); 265 $conf = $c->getAll(); 266 267 $trans = $GLOBALS['_SGL']['TRANSLATION'];

268 if (isset($trans[$key])) { 269 if (!is_array($trans[$key]) 270 && strstr($trans[$key], '||') 271 && $conf['translation']['container'] == 'db') { 272 preg_matchall('/([^|])|([^|]_)(?=||)/', $trans[$key], $aPieces);

demianturner commented 11 years ago

[demian](In [4402]) handling missing translation, fixes #1750