demilich1 / metastone

Hearthstone simulator written in Java with full GUI support
GNU General Public License v2.0
132 stars 80 forks source link

When? #381

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

When we can expect a new version?

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

@webadict @demilich1 at least in my fork, I've just finished every card in Knights of the Frozen Throne with tests.

It's going to take me some time to release this.

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

I'm now moving on to fixing up Ungoro. 100% of Druid, Hunter, Mage, Neutral, Paladin and Priest are done. I'm working on Rogue right now. Sherazin Seed is far and away the trickiest one, along with the Warlock quest permanent. I didn't fully merge the work @webadict did on permanents because my fork diverged from that kind of refactoring a long time ago.

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

All of Un'Goro is tested and complete.

Did I mention there's both multiplayer and a new Unity3D client? Your patience is appreciated.

@DominusMaximus if you could point me to some places where I can find more gyms, I can fix a lot more bugs.

DominusMaximus commented 6 years ago

Hello. What do you mean by "gyms"?

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

@DominusMaximus a complicated set of interactions, like what is referenced here . Advanced rulebook stuff, or even good YouTube videos showing important situations that players actually encounter.

DominusMaximus commented 6 years ago

Hearthstone Laboratory:

Hearthstone Science:

Those two channels put out videos with complex interactions. For text examples, check out:

This GitHub lists bugs and odd interactions in the actual HS client:

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

@DominusMaximus thanks for these references, I'm cleaning up the client now before I move into revising all the cards in Mean Streets & earlier + looking at the advanced rulebook.

This is an example of the (now passing) Grim Patron test:

     * You play a Grim Patron. Your opponent has a Knife Juggler and plays an Imp Gang Boss (the knife hits face). On
     * your turn, your Grim Patron attacks their Imp Gang Boss. The simultaneous damage triggers are queued in the order
     * [Imp Gang Boss, Grim Patron] because the defender queues first. An Imp is summoned, triggering the allied Knife
     * Juggler to throw a knife and mortally wound your Grim Patron. Now your Grim Patron would trigger, but it is
     * mortally wounded, so the trigger condition fails and you do not get a new Grim Patron.
    public void testGrimPatron() {
        runGym((context, player, opponent) -> {
            Minion grimPatron = playMinionCard(context, player, "minion_grim_patron");
            Minion knifeJuggler = playMinionCard(context, opponent, "minion_knife_juggler");
            overrideMissilesTrigger(context, knifeJuggler, player.getHero());
            int startingHp = player.getHero().getHp();
            Minion impGangBoss = playMinionCard(context, opponent, "minion_imp_gang_boss");
            Assert.assertEquals(player.getHero().getHp(), startingHp - 1);
            PhysicalAttackAction attack = new PhysicalAttackAction(grimPatron.getReference());
            overrideMissilesTrigger(context, knifeJuggler, grimPatron);
            context.getLogic().performGameAction(player.getId(), attack);
            Assert.assertEquals(player.getMinions().size(), 0);

    private void overrideMissilesTrigger(GameContext context, Entity source, Entity target) {
        SpellDesc spell = ((Enchantment) context.getTriggersAssociatedWith(source.getReference())
doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

The new client has a glitch with playing hero cards, and it doesn't support choose one hero powers yet.

Here's a preview:




Still probably a couple weeks away from releasing everything.

DominusMaximus commented 6 years ago

Wow, very cool. Looking forward to the release.

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

There are some issues with the AI playing against Hunter secrets, but otherwise it looks like pretty smooth sailing.

There's a significant re-arting under way since there's too much unlicensed stuff.

About a week away.

mayuso commented 6 years ago


Where can we find these changes? Your fork's master doesn't seem to have these changes pushed yet.

I'd love to see how you implemented this stuff into metastone.

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

@mayuso the fork is still private since it has various deployment keys and passwords in it to help me smooth out testing.

The new client probably has about one bug per match with random decks, which is pretty bad. This is in networked multiplayer.

Oh, and I'm putting in the announced expansion cards too, because why not.

unobserver-effect commented 6 years ago

Will there be a download link for people with no programming skills whatsoever? Oh and, i don't want to be pessimistic, but there is a good chance that blizzard doesn't quite like this "new" project...

Boso101 commented 6 years ago

wow looks interesting, cant wait for the release :)

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

Infrastructure is looking good, now just preparing for release. Let's stay optimistic over the next few days.

Boso101 commented 6 years ago

nice, email me at when its ready to go :)

SerDaniel commented 6 years ago

@doctorpangloss Hi Doctorpangloss, you're doin an awesome job, do you have a youtube channel?? Some months ago i asked to demilitch if they could release a version with editable graphic for cards (and maybe sounds,board etc..) but they told me that wasn't their goal :( maybe now you're doing what all people are waiting for. I also was following the Hsmod/Fullas work but they are stucked..I don't know.. Can u tell us something more about your project?

Boso101 commented 6 years ago

Hsmod was discontinued and changed into something else im pretty sure, and they won't give out the source code. I'm hoping this client uses metastones card json files for stats, and all graphics are modifiable

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

Thanks for all the enthusiasm!

Some updates and answers to questions:

There are four components: a launcher, a client, a server, and an updated metastone project (the “game”). I’m removing unlicensed content and restyling things to look nice and minimalist (imagine the interior of a Mercedes). I’m trying to make the client work without card illustrations, much like Cards Against Humanity does.

I plan to open source the client and game code. I am getting rid of the Unity asset store assets I use in order to not distribute them.

The only real problem with sharing the server and launcher code is I plan to run it on real infrastructure... but I haven’t put that much effort into securing it! This code enables multiplayer. To be clear, the client cannot run without a working server. I definitely want to make it work easily though for unlimited modding, and I haven’t figured out the best way yet.

With regards to the Hearthstone content, I think the text will be excluded and you’ll need a valid Hearthstone install to load the card text from. On the other hand, this is intended to be a completely and utterly free and non commercial project, the result of the research I did in graduate school, so it may not matter. The best thing to do is be proactive!

The holidays slowed me down a bit, but I plan to release soon.


On Nov 25, 2017, at 7:19 AM, Boso101 wrote:

Hsmod was discontinued and changed into something else im pretty sure, and they won't give out the source code. I'm hoping this client uses metastones card json files for stats, and all graphics are modifiable

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Boso101 commented 6 years ago

Great work dude, and yeah moddability would probably be one of the biggest features we are keen for on the this project. So are you removing card illustrations entirely? (Eg just using text) or having an empty blank template for others to use their own illustrations/typical png files?

unobserver-effect commented 6 years ago

If modding will be Metastone's main focus, it would be nice to open an issue where people can submit their modded cards in, right? I know that there alredy is a page for that, but it has just 5 cards. Perhaps an issue would get people's attention a little bit more? By the way, what do you mean by "load the card text form"?

(Metastone hype)

SerDaniel commented 6 years ago

I'm a bit sad that client can't work without the server but I can undestand..and yes maybe someone will want to make some money with a custom mod in a standalone open source software (sad).. but the majority of people I think just want to have fun with their Game of thrones cards etc.. lol,cause actually there is still no software that allow you to play custom cards,I hope the project will not go in to a "Dulst" direction cause it's trash lol

Boso101 commented 6 years ago

Oh boy don’t even talk about dulst 😂

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

Better server tests have fixed lots of bugs with networking.

I've almost completely removed all unlicensed art.

screenshot 2017-11-27 22 54 27

Nozdormu, Hall of Fame and the latest patch changes aren't implemented. Yogg is untested. Curious Glimmerroot doesn't have a reference implementation, so it's hard to say if mine is accurate to how the game works. A variety of cards, after being played, require restarting the client. Otherwise, things are in pretty good shape.

Replying to @y0urMom:

By the way, what do you mean by "load the card text form"?

When you first launch the client, you'll be prompted to "Select your Hearthstone installation folder". The card titles and description text will be loaded from that directory. That way, we don't distribute the copyrighted Hearthstone content.

This engine is still a heavily modified metastone, so it is still pretty easy to mod.


The objective is to make the engine as moddable as possible while still making something easy enough to just download and play, like a real game client. In this respect, you should be able to write your own cards, Tavern Brawls (an example is below), and new gameplay using the source. Check out an example below. My model is to improve on the Minecraft modding experience.

Tavern Brawl Example "Curvestone", implemented as a custom deck:


### Curvestone
# Class: Violet
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 10x (0) Minion on Curve
# 10x (0) Spell on Curve
# 10x (0) Two Cards on Curve

Two Cards on Curve:

  "name": "Two Cards on Curve",
  "baseManaCost": 0,
  "type": "SPELL",
  "heroClass": "ANY",
  "rarity": "RARE",
  "description": "Discover two cards whose total cost is on curve.",
  "targetSelection": "NONE",
  "spell": {
    "class": "MetaSpell",
    "value": {
      "class": "RandomValueProvider",
      "min": 0,
      "max": {
        "class": "PlayerAttributeValueProvider",
        "playerAttribute": "MAX_MANA"
    "spells": [
        "class": "DiscoverFilteredCardSpell",
        "spell": {
          "class": "ReceiveCardSpell",
          "targetPlayer": "SELF"
        "cardFilter": {
          "class": "CardFilter",
          "manaCost": {
            "class": "GameValueProvider",
            "gameValue": "SPELL_VALUE"
        "class": "DiscoverFilteredCardSpell",
        "spell": {
          "class": "ReceiveCardSpell",
          "targetPlayer": "SELF"
        "cardFilter": {
          "class": "CardFilter",
          "manaCost": {
            "class": "AlgebraicValueProvider",
            "value1": {
              "class": "PlayerAttributeValueProvider",
              "playerAttribute": "MAX_MANA"
            "value2": {
              "class": "GameValueProvider",
              "gameValue": "SPELL_VALUE"
            "operation": "SUBTRACT"
  "collectible": false,
  "set": "SPELLSOURCE",
  "fileFormatVersion": 1

"Necromancer" example Decklist:

### Necromancer
# Class: Violet
# Hero: Necromancer
# Format: Wild
# 1x (1) Tracking
# 1x (2) Bear Trap
# 1x (2) Explosive Trap
# 1x (2) Freezing Trap
# 1x (2) King's Elekk
# 1x (2) Mad Scientist
# 1x (3) Animal Companion
# 1x (3) Eaglehorn Bow
# 1x (3) Stitched Tracker
# 3x (5) Naga Sea Witch
# 2x (10) Sea Giant
# 1x (12) Clockwork Giant
# 1x (25) Molten Giant
# 1x (1) Bloodsail Corsair
# 1x (1) Fire Fly
# 1x (1) Flame Imp
# 1x (1) Malchezaar's Imp
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 1x (1) Soulfire
# 1x (1) Voidwalker
# 1x (3) Darkshire Councilman
# 1x (3) Southsea Captain
# 2x (4) Saronite Chain Gang
# 1x (4) Voidcaller
# 1x (5) Doomguard
# 1x (9) Mal'Ganis
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
  "name": "Necromancer",
  "heroPower": "hero_power_life_tap",
  "baseManaCost": 0,
  "type": "HERO",
  "heroClass": "VIOLET",
  "rarity": "FREE",
  "description": "Add 'Deathrattle: Summon a minion that costs (1) less' to the first minion you play each turn.",
  "triggers": [
      "eventTrigger": {
        "class": "TurnStartTrigger",
        "targetPlayer": "SELF"
      "spell": {
        "class": "RemoveAttributeSpell",
        "target": "FRIENDLY_HERO",
        "attribute": "SHADOWFORM"
      "eventTrigger": {
        "class": "AfterMinionPlayedTrigger",
        "fireCondition": {
          "class": "AttributeCondition",
          "target": "FRIENDLY_HERO",
          "attribute": "SHADOWFORM",
          "invert": true,
          "operation": "HAS"
        "targetPlayer": "SELF"
      "spell": {
        "class": "MetaSpell",
        "spells": [
            "class": "AddAttributeSpell",
            "target": "SELF",
            "attribute": "SHADOWFORM"
            "class": "AddDeathrattleSpell",
            "target": "EVENT_TARGET",
            "spell": {
              "class": "SummonRandomMinionFilteredSpell",
              "cardFilter": {
                "class": "CardFilter",
                "target": "SELF",
                "value": {
                  "class": "AttributeValueProvider",
                  "attribute": "BASE_MANA_COST",
                  "offset": -1
                "attribute": "BASE_MANA_COST",
                "boardPositionRelative": "RIGHT",
                "cardType": "MINION",
                "operation": "EQUAL"
  "attributes": {
    "HP": 30,
    "MAX_HP": 30
  "collectible": false,
  "set": "SPELLSOURCE",
  "fileFormatVersion": 1
Boso101 commented 6 years ago

@doctorpangloss I plan on using custom artwork for all cards, what is the file structure and how are card art set?

Charuru commented 6 years ago

As a developer of dulst, can you guys provide some feedback please on what your issues are with it? We've been working on making a really great and extensible platform. As it exists it's much more powerful than this project.

@Boso101 @SerDaniel

Boso101 commented 6 years ago

Well, the only problem I have with Dulst is the fact it’s not open source. It functions fine, it’s just that metastone is more friendly and easier.

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

Replying to @Boso101:

I plan on using custom artwork for all cards, what is the file structure and how are card art set?

Currently the art is specified in the Unity based client. It's not the sort of thing where you specify a filename in the card JSON. Here's what creating a card asset looks like:

Put the illustration into this file structure:

screenshot 2017-11-28 18 46 59

Create a card asset that corresponds to a specific card:

screenshot 2017-11-28 18 41 00

You can specify custom sounds, frames, layouts, selections, etc., like you would in the Unity editor. My particular engine supports multiple layers of illustrations and the Hearthstone-like animated shader.

I would note that I have a separate approach to illustrating cards, particularly custom community ones. There's a universe to build cards in that will have associated illustrations, much like WoW, that will be licensed for this project's peculiar distribution. But as I approach the source code release, it'll be clear how to tinker with everything.

Dulst is a great project and I'd encourage you to take a look.

SerDaniel commented 6 years ago

@Charuru I think people that want to play a custom deck are searching something more faster and friendly that an online site, if u build one funny fast deck (maybe 10 hours of photoshop..) and u want to play with one friend you have to tell him "go on dulst.. sign in.. my mod.." is already too much for 2 guys that just want to try if it's funny run a custom deck.. also the main metastone problem is that actually it's loved only by programmers cause normal people want the graphic,sounds, etc.. and now we see doctorpangloss maybe can do what normal people want,personally what I want is just a standalone software, no install, no launcher,multiplayer just optional,but doctorpangloss mod looks nice anyway,sorry for my english if I made mistakes.

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

Almost there... Client is cleaned up. Even Yogg works!

    public void testYoggSaronHopesEnd() {
        // Test that yogg casts the expected number of spells.
        runGym((context, player, opponent) -> {
            final int expectedSpells = 3;
            final Map<SpellArg, Object> build =;
            build.put(SpellArg.TARGET, EVENT_TARGET);
            final Enchantment testEnchantment = new Enchantment(
                    new CardRevealedTrigger(EventTriggerDesc.createEmpty(CardRevealedTrigger.class)),
                    new SpellDesc(build));
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedSpells; i++) {
                playCard(context, player, "spell_innervate");
            // Modify yogg to only cast the coin
            MinionCard yoggCard = (MinionCard) CardCatalogue.getCardById("minion_yogg_saron_hopes_end");
            final BattlecryDesc battlecry = ((MinionCardDesc) yoggCard.getDesc()).battlecry;
            final SpellDesc originalSpell = battlecry.spell;
            Map<SourceArg, Object> cardSourceArgs =;
            cardSourceArgs.put(SourceArg.TARGET_PLAYER, TargetPlayer.SELF);
            battlecry.spell = originalSpell.addArg(SpellArg.CARD_SOURCE, new CardSource(new SourceDesc(cardSourceArgs)) {
                protected CardList match(GameContext context, Player player) {
                    return new CardArrayList().addCard(CardCatalogue.getCardById("spell_the_coin"));
            playMinionCard(context, player, "minion_yogg_saron_hopes_end");
            Assert.assertEquals(YoggTestSpell1.counter.getCount(), 0, "The number of spells left to cast should be zero.");
            battlecry.spell = originalSpell;

        // Test that if yogg destroys itself, the spell casting ends.
        runGym((context, player, opponent) -> {
            final int expectedSpells = 3;
            GameLogic spyLogic = Mockito.spy(context.getLogic());
                    .thenAnswer(invocation -> {
                        List<Entity> targets = invocation.getArgument(0);
                        Assert.assertTrue( -> e.getSourceCard().getCardId().equals("minion_yogg_saron_hopes_end")));
                        return -> e.getSourceCard().getCardId().equals("minion_yogg_saron_hopes_end")).findFirst().orElseThrow(AssertionError::new);

            final Map<SpellArg, Object> build =;
            build.put(SpellArg.TARGET, EVENT_TARGET);
            final Enchantment testEnchantment = new Enchantment(
                    new CardRevealedTrigger(EventTriggerDesc.createEmpty(CardRevealedTrigger.class)),
                    new SpellDesc(build));
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedSpells; i++) {
                playCard(context, player, "spell_innervate");
            // Modify yogg to only cast the coin
            MinionCard yoggCard = (MinionCard) CardCatalogue.getCardById("minion_yogg_saron_hopes_end");
            final BattlecryDesc battlecry = ((MinionCardDesc) yoggCard.getDesc()).battlecry;
            final SpellDesc originalSpell = battlecry.spell;
            Map<SourceArg, Object> cardSourceArgs =;
            cardSourceArgs.put(SourceArg.TARGET_PLAYER, TargetPlayer.SELF);
            battlecry.spell = originalSpell.addArg(SpellArg.CARD_SOURCE, new CardSource(new SourceDesc(cardSourceArgs)) {
                protected CardList match(GameContext context, Player player) {
                    return new CardArrayList().addCard(CardCatalogue.getCardById("spell_fireball"));
            playCard(context, player, "minion_yogg_saron_hopes_end");
            Assert.assertEquals(YoggTestSpell2.counter.getCount(), 2, "Since yogg fireballed itself, we expect two spells left uncasted.");
            battlecry.spell = originalSpell;
TarCreeper commented 6 years ago

When can we expect a new version?

Congratulations for the hard work.

Boso101 commented 6 years ago

Congratulations, cant wait for the release :)

Boso101 commented 6 years ago

@doctorpangloss what is the process for creating cards? is it the same as Metastone, or is there a card creator of somesort within the unity project?

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

@Boso101 @TarCreeper @SerDaniel @y0urMom

You can now access the full repository for the server, including all the network code, at

I'm reorganizing the Unity asset store assets out of the client so that that can be open-sourced too.

Please help out with the Kobold's expansion! 100% of the cards up to that point are implemented.

Boso101 commented 6 years ago

Beautiful work! will have a mess around with it now!

TarCreeper commented 6 years ago

Fantastic! Thanks!

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

Enter Quick Play for AI in multiplayer

On Sat, Dec 9, 2017 at 3:50 AM, Boso101 wrote:

Sweet! Is there AI for the multiplayer session?

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unobserver-effect commented 6 years ago

I am really not sure if this is the correct place to post this in but whatever. The new metastone, although very good, is kind of obscure and difficult for the average Hs player to find. So to survive, the project would perhaps need some form of advertisement or something like that. I could very well be wrong, but I am sharing this random thought anyways, just in case.

unobserver-effect commented 6 years ago

And btw, how will updates work? With an updater or something of sorts or an entirely new download?

SerDaniel commented 6 years ago

Yes, I suggested to introduce the doctorpangloss metastone version on youtube (if he Fullas reached over 120k subs just for showing not playable cards..

doctorpangloss commented 6 years ago

@SerDaniel @y0urMom Now that 100% of Kobolds and Catacombs is done, I'm just fixing client bugs and improving the backend. It'll be in pretty good shape for wider sharing (especially with e.g. /r/CustomHearthstone) in about a week!

SerDaniel commented 6 years ago

News? this was a good project but I still need something like: -Standalone program,no install, no forced online -Editable cards,sounds,board in directories(not with unity) -And obviously a decent AI

Someone did a project like this?

mayuso commented 5 years ago

@SerDaniel Metastone hasn't been mantained for over a year now.

@doctorpangloss Created a new project based on the work previously done on this repository. I haven't been following it too much (I've been doing other projects and out of the Hearthstone scene for a long time already), but seems to be alive and going strong. Take a look here:

webadict commented 5 years ago

@mayuso I am working on updating MetaStone to use current Hearthstone cards, but I need to update the Enchantment system. This is taking longer because I'm in school and lazy, but there will eventually be an updated version available that fixes many bugs and adds several new features.

However, @SerDaniel, there will never be any sounds or boards added to MetaStone. That undermines the goal of the project, which is merely to replicate Hearthstone's rules in a sandbox environment. Cards are editable, but it's likely you are looking to use Hearthstone assets instead, which is not planning on being supported by the official MetaStone branch.

SerDaniel commented 5 years ago

@webadict Yes, I know that metastone project does not include what I wish to find from an heartsotone's sandbox...sad.. I was talking about doctorpangloss mod/project that is a little different from metastone and finally with sounds and graphics but still not exactly what i'm looking for. After a year I was asking if maybe there are news about his project (is Spellsource? or Spellsource is an other project?)

webadict commented 5 years ago

@SerDaniel, SpellSource is a different project. You are better off asking on the project's issue board.

KGer80 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have just checked the src and I really liked it, I could understand a lot of things.

What is the current status of this repo? Will it be continued?

Muhframos commented 4 years ago

Which repo? Spellsource's or Metastone's? Metastone i'm pretty sure won't get any updates anymore, but Spellsource is still getting worked on frequently

webadict commented 4 years ago

@KGer80: I'm afraid that Muhframos is correct. I am unlikely to give any future updates to the project, as I am pretty busy with work at the moment. I've also kinda moved away from Hearthstone, so when I do have time for projects, this one doesn't pibg the radar. While I am unable to acknowledge Spellsource as the true succesor to Metastone at this time, I do recommend users use it if they would like a working pseudo-sandbox of Hearthstone.

However, if you'd like to contribute to this project, I do keep up on it, and I would review an PRs that come in. I assume that demilich would want someone making real progress on this project.

demilich1 commented 4 years ago

I also moved away from Hearthstone and have no real interest of developing Metastone any further. And to be honest, I don't have any real hopes of someone picking up the code and bringing it up to date. There are like dozens of expansions (each including new mechanics) missing, so the effort would be huge.

Basically for me this repository is just there for archival purposes and it should not be considered in active development.