demo-verse / expressions-of-peace

A decentralized app for initiating p2p peacemaking interaction. Deployed to Görli testnet @ Ethereum blockchain
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Display events of decentralised diplomacy/meshplomacy on a map #20

Open streamerd opened 1 year ago

streamerd commented 1 year ago

Currently with the ongoing development of Expression of Peace V3 contract, we're preparing additional functions in our smart contracts, in a way that people can express and acknowledge in variety of ways, with them becoming function-level insights on how they interact with the smart contracts.

a. as a citizen (including their country info (as is, one country to select in one expression)) b. as an anonymous citizen c. as a world resident (doing same, without it. d. as an anonymous world resident

With this task, let's prepare a world map to display expressions and acknowledgements. Acknowledgements are the dynamic part, so it contains symbolic, decentralised diplomacy/meshplomacy interactions btw people of different countries, if they're not expressed as world resident, then we have info about country_codes.

Hence, it'd be cool to make a real-time map, where there'd be arrows from a direction to another. And we'd in fact, make it differently colored as they become 2-way acknowledgements, both sides ACKing each other. (bilateral treaty)

something like these would be great for acknowledgements:

It can be way better, something using webgl and more sophisticated 3d as well, be creative and have a good one @ the imagining and making of that!