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Add Kibana + ElasticSearch + FluentBit logs #20

Closed JMLX42 closed 3 years ago

JMLX42 commented 3 years ago
JMLX42 commented 3 years ago

Apparently, the logging happens at the docker daemon level: So it's impossible to use a bridge network to communicate between fluent-bit and other apps.

One solution might be to add a fluent-bit container to each docker-compose stack and add them to a shared elasticsearch network.

JMLX42 commented 3 years ago

Kibana requires the XPACK extension to enable the login form. And XPACK os not part of the OSS offer. So I'll use a Vouch reverse proxy instead:

JMLX42 commented 3 years ago

One solution might be to add a fluent-bit container to each docker-compose stack and add them to a shared elasticsearch network.

This worked:

    image: fluent/fluent-bit:1.7.2
      - 24224:24224
      - 24224:24224/udp

For each service we want the logs from, in the relevant docker-compose.yml files:

      driver: "fluentd"
        fluentd-address: "localhost:24224"
        fluentd-async: "true"
JMLX42 commented 3 years ago

The official Kibana documentation does not explain how to make the data persistent. And the Dockerfile has no VOLUME. So I assume all the data is stored inside ElasticSearch.

JMLX42 commented 3 years ago

Whitelisting a whole GitHub team is not secure enough: it provides no traceability of who's authorized to access the subdomains protected by the Vouch proxy. Instead, we will use a whitelist of GitHub users.

This whitelist will be specified with the VOUCH_WHITELIST env var for now, but will be encrypted in the repo and editable via PR when is implemented.

It's important that this list remains secret so that the whitelisted accounts won't be easy targets for potential phishing attacks.

JMLX42 commented 3 years ago

@thibauld please do the last 2 tasks:

JMLX42 commented 3 years ago

Got confirmation from @thibauld on Telegram => closing.