democratic-csi / csi-grpc-proxy

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does not work with Windows namedpipe as proxy #1

Open azyshalom opened 10 months ago

azyshalom commented 10 months ago

using csi-grpc-proxy-v0.5.2-windows-amd64.exe from

it looks like the issue is in http2 code that add :80 suffix _2023/08/13 06:09:52 http2: Transport failed to get client conn for localhost:80: The pipe has been ended.

which comes from:

where a few line before, function authorityAddr return address + port:


C:>set REWRITE_HOST=1 C:>set REWRITE_HOST_HOSTNAME=localhost C:>set BIND_TO=tcp://localhost:3381 C:>set PROXY_TO=npipe:////./pipe/containerd-containerd

C:>csi-grpc-proxy-v0.5.2-windows-amd64.exe 2023/08/13 06:07:44 BIND_TO [tcp://localhost:3381], PROXY_TO [npipe:////./pipe/containerd-containerd] 2023/08/13 06:07:44 PROXY_TO [npipe:////./pipe/containerd-containerd] is ready! 2023/08/13 06:07:44 BIND_TO [tcp://localhost:3381] is ready! 2023/08/13 06:07:52 h2c: attempting h2c with prior knowledge. 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: server connection from on 0xc0001321c0 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: Framer 0xc0001322a0: wrote SETTINGS len=24, settings: MAX_FRAME_SIZE=1048576, MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS=250, MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE=1048896, INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE=1048576 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: server: client said hello 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: Framer 0xc0001322a0: wrote WINDOW_UPDATE len=4 (conn) incr=983041 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: Framer 0xc0001322a0: read SETTINGS len=0 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: server read frame SETTINGS len=0 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: Framer 0xc0001322a0: wrote SETTINGS flags=ACK len=0 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: Framer 0xc0001322a0: read SETTINGS flags=ACK len=0 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: server read frame SETTINGS flags=ACK len=0 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: Framer 0xc0001322a0: read HEADERS flags=END_HEADERS stream=1 len=81 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: decoded hpack field header field ":method" = "POST" 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: decoded hpack field header field ":scheme" = "http" 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: decoded hpack field header field ":path" = "/runtime.v1alpha2.RuntimeService/Version" 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: decoded hpack field header field ":authority" = "localhost:3381" 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: decoded hpack field header field "content-type" = "application/grpc" 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: decoded hpack field header field "user-agent" = "grpc-go/1.33.2" 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: decoded hpack field header field "te" = "trailers" 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: server read frame HEADERS flags=END_HEADERS stream=1 len=81 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: Framer 0xc0001322a0: read DATA flags=END_STREAM stream=1 len=15 data="\x00\x00\x00\x00\n\n\bv1alpha2" 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: server read frame DATA flags=END_STREAM stream=1 len=15 data="\x00\x00\x00\x00\n\n\bv1alpha2" 2023/08/13 06:07:52 request (://localhost:3381) POST /runtime.v1alpha2.RuntimeService/Version HTTP/2.0 2023/08/13 06:07:52 request headers map[Content-Type:[application/grpc] Te:[trailers] User-Agent:[grpc-go/1.33.2]] 2023/08/13 06:07:52 Dialing upstream: npipe:////./pipe/containerd-containerd 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: Transport creating client conn 0xc0000d8300 to //./pipe/containerd-containerd 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: Framer 0xc0000c80e0: wrote SETTINGS len=18, settings: ENABLE_PUSH=0, INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE=4194304, MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE=10485760 2023/08/13 06:07:52 http2: Framer 0xc0000c80e0: wrote WINDOW_UPDATE len=4 (conn) incr=1073741824 2023/08/13 06:09:52 http2: Transport failed to get client conn for localhost:80: The pipe has been ended. 2023/08/13 06:09:52 http: proxy error: The pipe has been ended. 2023/08/13 06:09:52 http2: server encoding header ":status" = "502" 2023/08/13 06:09:52 http2: server encoding header "content-length" = "0" 2023/08/13 06:09:52 http2: server encoding header "date" = "Sun, 13 Aug 2023 06:09:52 GMT" 2023/08/13 06:09:52 http2: Framer 0xc0001322a0: wrote HEADERS flags=END_STREAM|END_HEADERS stream=1 len=31 2023/08/13 06:09:52 http2: Framer 0xc0001322a0: wrote WINDOW_UPDATE len=4 (conn) incr=15 2023/08/13 06:09:52 http2: Framer 0xc0001322a0: read RST_STREAM stream=1 len=4 ErrCode=PROTOCOL_ERROR 2023/08/13 06:09:52 http2: server read frame RST_STREAM stream=1 len=4 ErrCode=PROTOCOL_ERROR


C:\Program Files\containerd>crictl.exe --runtime-endpoint tcp://localhost:3381 version time="2023-08-13T06:09:52Z" level=fatal msg="getting the runtime version: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = Bad Gateway: HTTP status code 502; transport: missing content-type field"

azyshalom commented 10 months ago

same error with version 0.5.3 from

travisghansen commented 10 months ago

Hmm I’ll take a look.

Out of curiosity it looks like containerd/crictl support tcp directly, why do you need the proxy?

azyshalom commented 10 months ago

Thanks, gRPC in C++ does not support named pipes, therefore im looking for tcp<=>namedpipe generic reverse proxy

travisghansen commented 10 months ago

This should do it. I’ll see if I can get containerd running on my windows dev machine and try out your use-case.