demodude4u / Factorio-FBSR

Factorio Blueprint String Renderer
MIT License
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discord file urls are too long compared to alternatives #113

Open presentday-presenttime opened 5 years ago

presentday-presenttime commented 5 years ago

See this reddit post, instead of being able to write the reply, the bot uploads a txt file to

The txt has 13513/10000 characters, switching the 90 character length discord url for a 33 length mixtape url puts the post at 6673 or a 31 length imgur url gives 6433.

demodude4u commented 5 years ago

I could perhaps try using a url shortening service.

My main worries about using other services is their limitations on size and/or time. Mixtape is great for holding short files for a long time, but does not keep large image files for long before deleting them. Imgur keeps files forever, but the image size limit restricts the quality of the images. Discord keeps files forever too, but has a larger size limit. Worst case, I do resort to using mixtape for image hosting if discord refuses, but I don't expect the link to last long.

If I use a URL shortening service, they might be time limited as well. I'll do some research.

Another option is that I could consider making collages out of the blueprints that are smaller in size, consolidating down to fewer images.