Muddler output now includes the version of muddler being run.
default shell script wrapper in repo now automatically pulls the latest version of the image
muddler now has -h/--help and -v/--version cli flags to print the respective information and exit.
This will also set the stage for muddle init to generate an mfile and basic file tree
And the much sought after argument to pull an existing package into a muddler filetree. which is coming eventually, I promise.
Muddler output now includes the version of muddler being run. default shell script wrapper in repo now automatically pulls the latest version of the image muddler now has -h/--help and -v/--version cli flags to print the respective information and exit. This will also set the stage for
muddle init
to generate an mfile and basic file tree And the much sought after argument to pull an existing package into a muddler filetree. which is coming eventually, I promise.