demyxsh / demyx

Demyx is a Docker image that automates and manages WordPress installations. Traefik for reverse proxy with Lets Encrypt SSL/TLS. WordPress sites are powered by OpenLiteSpeed/NGINX-PHP and MariaDB.
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WP ClI pass-through breaks down with less error on "demyx wp domain.tld help" #11

Closed NuclearMonster closed 3 years ago

NuclearMonster commented 3 years ago

Using a fresh demyx 1.2.3 install from a day or so ago, WP CLI pass-through cannot handle the "help" argument, here is the typical output:

user@host:~$ demyx wp domain.tld help
less: unrecognized option: r
BusyBox v1.31.1 () multi-call binary.

Usage: less [-EFIMmNSRh~] [FILE]...

View FILE (or stdin) one screenful at a time

        -E      Quit once the end of a file is reached
        -F      Quit if entire file fits on first screen
        -I      Ignore case in all searches
        -M,-m   Display status line with line numbers
                and percentage through the file
        -N      Prefix line number to each line
        -S      Truncate long lines
        -R      Remove color escape codes in input
        -~      Suppress ~s displayed past EOF
demyxco commented 3 years ago

Interesting, that's definitely a new error. Thanks for this, I'll have this fixed on the next release.

demyxco commented 3 years ago

Fixed in 1.2.4, it appears wp-cli was missing a certain environment variable in an Alpine Linux environment: