demyxsh / demyx

Demyx is a Docker image that automates and manages WordPress installations. Traefik for reverse proxy with Lets Encrypt SSL/TLS. WordPress sites are powered by OpenLiteSpeed/NGINX-PHP and MariaDB.
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demyx host edit's nano wants to write to /tmp/.demyx but can't #13

Closed NuclearMonster closed 3 years ago

NuclearMonster commented 3 years ago

demyx 1.2.3 Ubuntu: 20.04

demyx host edit opens nano, with the correct file, but the editor tries to write to /tmp/.demyx and can't

[ Error writing /tmp/.demyx: Permission denied ]
demyxco commented 3 years ago

Weird error! Can you paste the output of stat ~/.demyx.

NuclearMonster commented 3 years ago

File: /home/[USERNAME]/.demyx Size: 816 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 regular file Device: fc01h/64513d Inode: 534929 Links: 1 Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--) Uid: ( 1003/[USERNAME]) Gid: ( 1003/[USERNAME]) Access: 2020-11-10 01:59:09.954410641 -1000 Modify: 2020-11-10 01:59:09.426417656 -1000 Change: 2020-11-10 01:59:09.426417656 -1000

demyxco commented 3 years ago

Thanks for that, I will use a different approach when editing the ~/.demyx file. For now, you can edit it directly using:

nano `~/.demyx`
demyxco commented 3 years ago

Updated how ~/.demyx will be edited: