demyxsh / demyx

Demyx is a Docker image that automates and manages WordPress installations. Traefik for reverse proxy with Lets Encrypt SSL/TLS. WordPress sites are powered by OpenLiteSpeed/NGINX-PHP and MariaDB.
MIT License
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Starting dev mode do not work #3

Closed arrkiin closed 4 years ago

arrkiin commented 4 years ago

After trying to start the dev mode with the following command $ demyx config <domain> --dev

The following output is shown but the code-server cannot be accessed

Updating configs ... done
/etc/demyx/function/ line 236: /etc/demyx/function/ No such file or directory
Turning off healthcheck ... done
<domain>_wp_dae7e1bb_1 is up-to-date
<domain>_db_dae7e1bb_1 is up-to-date
<domain>_nx_dae7e1bb_1 is up-to-date
| DEMYX        |  DEVELOPMENT                            |
| CODE-SERVER  |  https://<domain>/demyx/cs/             |
| BROWSERSYNC  |  https://<domain>/demyx/bs/             |
| PASSWORD     |  <password>                             |

I also updated demyx with demyx update && demyx update --system

demyxco commented 4 years ago

Did you refresh the config of your WP app first?

demyx config <domain> --refresh
demyx config <domain> --dev
arrkiin commented 4 years ago

Ok. Did the refresh, but then stepped into the problem with my docker override yml. Because I modified my nginx config and you changed from nginx to openlitespeed, it didn't find the container anymore. So I removed the override and was able to refresh the config. After that the dev flag was working as expected. Thanks.

demyxco commented 4 years ago

Glad you got it solved!