demyxsh / demyx

Demyx is a Docker image that automates and manages WordPress installations. Traefik for reverse proxy with Lets Encrypt SSL/TLS. WordPress sites are powered by OpenLiteSpeed/NGINX-PHP and MariaDB.
MIT License
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[bug] timezone flag does not work #4

Closed TheWiresharkGuy closed 4 years ago

TheWiresharkGuy commented 4 years ago


The --tz flag seems not working

maybe I'm not using it correctly


Thank you for this incredible project!

demyxco commented 4 years ago

Hi @TheWiresharkGuy sorry for the delay. I’ve been working on a new update for demyx with a bunch of new features. Will be releasing sometime this week.

TheWiresharkGuy commented 4 years ago

@demyxco Sorry It works I didn't look deep enough --tz=TIMEZONE works

demyxco commented 4 years ago

Awesome, yeah the next update will have all flags removed from the host and instead demyx will be configurable using a config file in ~/.demyx.

TheWiresharkGuy commented 4 years ago

No problems, It's already awesome ^^

BTW is there an easy way to rename a wordpress app? Like from site.tld to

demyxco commented 4 years ago

You can clone the current app via demyx run www.domain.tld —clone=domain.tld and then remove the domain.tld via demyx rm domain.tld.

TheWiresharkGuy commented 4 years ago

You can clone the current app via demyx run www.domain.tld —clone=domain.tld and then remove the domain.tld via demyx rm domain.tld.

Thanks It works but the only problem is that even after deleting the first app with demyx rm domain.tld the demyx/traefik container keeps the old LE certificates from domain.tld instead of initiating a challenge for www.domain.tld

demyxco commented 4 years ago

Yeah that’s how Traefik works, it doesn’t clean old certs. You can manually delete its JSON key but only if you know what you’re doing.