demyxsh / demyx

Demyx is a Docker image that automates and manages WordPress installations. Traefik for reverse proxy with Lets Encrypt SSL/TLS. WordPress sites are powered by OpenLiteSpeed/NGINX-PHP and MariaDB.
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Traefik dashboard basic auth keeps asking #8

Closed galaczi closed 3 years ago

galaczi commented 3 years ago

This is my first server where I am running demyx so I might be missing something. I have ran the host install a couple times to make sure I have the correct credentials. However, every time after I enter the username and password, the prompt pops up again and I don't get access to the Traefik dashboard.

Any troubleshooting ideas would be much appreciated.

demyxco commented 3 years ago

I think it's due to the password being too long. Will have a fix in 1.3.0, so until then try removing a lot of the characters in the generated password.

galaczi commented 3 years ago

I think it's due to the password being too long. Will have a fix in 1.3.0, so until then try removing a lot of the characters in the generated password.

Thanks for your reply! Are you suggesting trial and error to figure out how many characters of the password to use? Or is there a way to change the autogenerated password?

demyxco commented 3 years ago

You can directly edit the file that the demyx container uses. Edit DEMYX_HOST_AUTH_PASSWORD by using the commands:

demyx host edit && demyx host restart

In the next release, I will automatically restart the demyx container after demyx host edit gets executed.

johnkennyuk commented 3 years ago

This issue is still a problem as i clean installed on 12/19/2020 and had the same problem until i found this closed issue and the manual password change resolved the loop, was this issue supposedly fixed??

demyxco commented 3 years ago

Hi @johnkennyuk the issue isn't fixed it, sorry. It will be fixed in version 1.3.0.

johnkennyuk commented 3 years ago
