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Does the code editor used by devs matter? Why would someone choose one over another? #4

Open oakesrandall opened 7 years ago

oakesrandall commented 7 years ago

It seems like everyone has a favorite program for writing code (Sublime, Atom, Visual Studio). Does it really make much of a difference in the dev world?

I spoke with Marshall about it and neither of us see a whole lot of difference between the programs' functionality.

ZebGirouard commented 7 years ago

I will qualify my response pretty heavily by saying I have used Visual Studio for about 100-200 hours combined, Atom for 50-60 hours, and Sublime for something like 5,000+ hours. So I'm biased, like everyone else.

In my experience, every time somebody has said something that "you can totally only do in Atom", I know a Sublime plugin for that thing. I am fairly certain the reverse is true.

As for the obvious: Atom is free, Sublime is donation-based, and VS has a subscription model. When talking to other WDI instructors that have moved to Atom, the only consistent answer for "why" I can get is, "They're basically the same, but Atom doesn't bother you to buy it all the time."

My main advice would be to get comfortable with one of them, and switch only if the team you're on uses another tool.

Does that answer your question?