deng0 / DirectXTexNet

A .NET wrapper for the DirectXTex library.
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I see NetStandard... when can I expect NuGet? #4

Closed malware-dev closed 4 years ago

malware-dev commented 5 years ago

I'm writing a library where I need your excellent wrapper - but I'd prefer keeping it a NetStandard library, which currently doesn't work.

I go here to ask if this is something that might happen, and what do I see? "changed to netstandard2.0"... last month. How excellent is that? 😄

so... now, instead, I humbly ask when I might see a NuGet package update with this change...?

Thank you in advance!

deng0 commented 5 years ago

No problem, I have uploaded the nuget package now. Should be listed any minute now.

The library that will be referenced by your project is now a NET Standard 2.0 library, but the library that contains the actual DirectXTex implementation is C++/CLI and, as I understand it, will only be supported by .NET Core 3 on windows, which I have successfully tested with .NET Core 3 (Preview 7).

Let me know, whether rc4 works for you.