dengwirda / inpoly-python

A fast 'point(s)-in-polygon' test for Python.
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Performance #1

Open krober10nd opened 3 years ago

krober10nd commented 3 years ago

Hey Darren,

I used line_profiler with a decorator above the kernel _inpoly() to see if there were any hotspots we could improve...Overall great. Below is the output from line_profiler running Doesn't look like it could be improved much. As you can see, the continue if catch appears to occupy 14% of the total time.

(base) keiths-MacBook-Pro:inpoly-python Keith$ kernprof -l -v INPOLY2: 2.289767026901245 Wrote profile results to Timer unit: 1e-06 s

Total time: 1.26219 s File: /Users/Keith/junk/inpoly-python/inpoly/ Function: _inpoly at line 131

Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents

131 @profile 132 def _inpoly(vert, node, edge, ftol, lbar): 133 """ 134 INPOLY: the local pycode version of the crossing-number 135 test. Loop over edges; do a binary-search for the first 136 vertex that intersects with the edge y-range; crossing- 137 number comparisons; break when the local y-range is met. 138
139 """ 140
141 1 11.0 11.0 0.0 feps = ftol * (lbar * +2) 142 1 2.0 2.0 0.0 veps = ftol (lbar ** +1) 143
144 1 27.0 27.0 0.0 stat = np.full(vert.shape[0], False, dtype=np.bool
) 145 1 12.0 12.0 0.0 bnds = np.full(vert.shape[0], False, dtype=np.bool_) 146
147 # ----------------------------------- compute y-range overlap 148 1 47.0 47.0 0.0 XONE = node[edge[:, 0], 0] 149 1 42.0 42.0 0.0 XTWO = node[edge[:, 1], 0] 150 1 86.0 86.0 0.0 YONE = node[edge[:, 0], 1] 151 1 80.0 80.0 0.0 YTWO = node[edge[:, 1], 1] 152
153 1 66.0 66.0 0.0 XMIN = np.minimum(XONE, XTWO) 154 1 83.0 83.0 0.0 XMAX = np.maximum(XONE, XTWO) 155
156 1 62.0 62.0 0.0 XMAX = XMAX + veps 157 1 10.0 10.0 0.0 YMIN = YONE - veps 158 1 46.0 46.0 0.0 YMAX = YTWO + veps 159
160 1 51.0 51.0 0.0 YDEL = YTWO - YONE 161 1 44.0 44.0 0.0 XDEL = XTWO - XONE 162
163 1 750.0 750.0 0.1 ione = np.searchsorted(vert[:, 1], YMIN, "left") 164 1 826.0 826.0 0.1 itwo = np.searchsorted(vert[:, 1], YMAX, "right") 165
166 # ----------------------------------- loop over polygon edges 167 11000 7184.0 0.7 0.6 for epos in range(edge.shape[0]): 168
169 10999 9413.0 0.9 0.7 xone = XONE[epos] 170 10999 8909.0 0.8 0.7 xtwo = XTWO[epos] 171 10999 8982.0 0.8 0.7 yone = YONE[epos] 172 10999 8884.0 0.8 0.7 ytwo = YTWO[epos] 173
174 10999 8760.0 0.8 0.7 xmin = XMIN[epos] 175 10999 8695.0 0.8 0.7 xmax = XMAX[epos] 176
177 10999 8706.0 0.8 0.7 xdel = XDEL[epos] 178 10999 8821.0 0.8 0.7 ydel = YDEL[epos] 179
180 # ------------------------------- calc. edge-intersection 181 264806 186197.0 0.7 14.8 for jpos in range(ione[epos], itwo[epos]): 182
183 253807 182977.0 0.7 14.5 if bnds[jpos]: 184 87497 55301.0 0.6 4.4 continue 185
186 166310 147738.0 0.9 11.7 xpos = vert[jpos, 0] 187 166310 144366.0 0.9 11.4 ypos = vert[jpos, 1] 188
189 166310 117233.0 0.7 9.3 if xpos >= xmin: 190 90503 66346.0 0.7 5.3 if xpos <= xmax: 191 # ------------------- compute crossing number 192 25671 24757.0 1.0 2.0 mul1 = ydel (xpos - xone) 193 25671 23340.0 0.9 1.8 mul2 = xdel (ypos - yone) 194
195 25671 71918.0 2.8 5.7 if feps >= np.abs(mul2 - mul1): 196 # ------------------- BNDS -- approx. on edge 197 21998 17140.0 0.8 1.4 bnds[jpos] = True 198 21998 20768.0 0.9 1.6 stat[jpos] = True 199
200 3673 2657.0 0.7 0.2 elif (ypos == yone) and (xpos == xone): 201 # ------------------- BNDS -- match about ONE 202 bnds[jpos] = True 203 stat[jpos] = True 204
205 3673 2516.0 0.7 0.2 elif (ypos == ytwo) and (xpos == xtwo): 206 # ------------------- BNDS -- match about TWO 207 bnds[jpos] = True 208 stat[jpos] = True 209
210 3673 2889.0 0.8 0.2 elif (mul1 < mul2) and (ypos >= yone) and (ypos < ytwo): 211 # ------------------- advance crossing number 212 1819 1829.0 1.0 0.1 stat[jpos] = not stat[jpos] 213
214 75807 57239.0 0.8 4.5 elif (ypos >= yone) and (ypos < ytwo): 215 # ----------------------- advance crossing number 216 66373 56383.0 0.8 4.5 stat[jpos] = not stat[jpos] 217
218 1 1.0 1.0 0.0 return stat, bnds

dengwirda commented 3 years ago

I've done a little more testing, and it seems the python version is still around x 10 slower than the MATLAB implementation, so the loops are definitely slowing things down... :-//

The *.py version appears to be (a lot) faster than other python options though, so is probably already useful, but it'd be nice to get close to proper performance here I think.

I'm going to try a quick experiment with cython and see if it's possible to include an optional *.c version of _inpoly that python can auto-build / install via Apparently such things are possible!?

krober10nd commented 3 years ago

Ah bummer about the comparison with Matlab.

Yes the cython thing is hard out. I've never tried that but I'd been keen to seen how it works. I've also heard good things.

I have called simple cpp (c with std) using pybind11 like this

But that time I was using cgal so I was forced to use cpp.

krober10nd commented 3 years ago

This is neat.

dengwirda commented 3 years ago

Okay! There's now a cython kernel available in inpoly_.pyx --- this is just the inpoly_ kernel decorated with some typedefs. This can be "compiled" into the CPython-compatible inpoly_.c, which can then be (actually) compiled into[dylib|dll]. This library can be imported as a normal python module. There's some trickiness in to fall-back to the "normal" kernel if the compiled one can't be imported.

For me, the cython kernel gives around x 10-15 speedup, which is around what was expected.

In terms of installing, it should (apparently) be possible for this to be used without needing to have cython itself installed --- the cython-generated inpoly_.c should be all that's needed.

I need to learn what else is necessary to set this up for pip install etc, but this is fairly close now I think.

krober10nd commented 3 years ago

For pip install, you just need to create a sdist and wheel and then you use twine to upload it.

I’m pretty certain if you clone the repo, you’ll just need to type pip install -e .

krober10nd commented 3 years ago

The cython thing was straightforward and is super cool.

dengwirda commented 3 years ago

As you mentioned, multi-threading may be a good thing to consider adding at some stage --- I've seen that for large problems MATLAB may still be a little faster in some cases, but I think this is because it's doing its array operations (espec. sort) on multiple cores. MATLAB's sort seems so fast (compared to np.argsort) that I think it must be doing this in parallel.

Since np.argsort is where the majority of the time is spent in inpoly-python it'd be handy indeed to use the cython openmp wrappers you suggested to try to scale across threads a little. I've re-worked the kernel --- bringing np.argsort inside --- to get set up to try this. In doing this it was also possible to remove some array temporaries, which improved performance a little more anyway.

(Efficient) parallel sorting is not so easy to do, so I'm not sure how well this will work out --- especially via cython. Nonetheless, there's a a few ideas that come to mind --- I'll try to find some time to look at this in another week or two.

In terms of publishing the algorithm --- yes, I'm interested to do this ;) inpoly has always just been part of other projects of mine, so hasn't been published individually. There are other efficient inpolygon methods out there, so it'll be interesting to see whether others find the algorithm interesting or not --- as an "inplace" O(n*log(n))-style method (and especially if the multi-threading works out) it probably is worth submitting a paper on. It surprises me that so many people tend to use O(n^2) approaches.

I suspect "publishability" would be enhanced by combining an algorithm description with actual applications --- perhaps ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems could be something to consider? If you are interested, I'd be happy to work on something like this with you, and include use in the various Earth-system meshing workflows as case studies? Other ideas are welcome here too!

krober10nd commented 3 years ago

As you mentioned, multi-threading may be a good thing to consider adding at some stage

Yes, it could be very useful for large scale problems. For me I've used this predicate to form reasonably sized signed distance functions of coastal ocean domains to mesh with.

In terms of publishing the algorithm --- yes, I'm interested to do this ;) inpoly has always just been part of other projects of mine, so hasn't been published individually. There are other efficient inpolygon methods out there, so it'll be interesting to see whether others find the algorithm interesting or not --- as an "inplace" O(n*log(n))-style method (and

This paper came up at some point on my search for point-in-poly algorithms:

..especially if the multi-threading works out) it probably is worth submitting a paper on. It surprises me that so many people tend to use O(n^2) approaches.

Yes, just look at matplotlib.path for instance. This is the de facto recommendation on Stack Overflow for point in a polygon queries, which is just mind boggling.

I suspect "publishability" would be enhanced by combining an algorithm description with actual applications --- perhaps ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems could be something to consider? If you are interested, I'd be happy to work on something like this with you, and include use in the various Earth-system meshing workflows as case studies? Other ideas are welcome here too!

I agree that it would be easier to publish with an application in mind such as your suggested journal. I would be interested in this! I'm still doing my coastal ocean meshing thing on the side. Actually, now attempting to get it in Python ( and perhaps unify it with some other more canonical mesh generation approaches like an advancing front generator. In fact, this is what motivated me to reach out to you about inpoly in the first place because the other approaches were slow as a snail. In the default mesh generation approach, my geometry representation uses SDFs which depend on the inpoly predicate quite a bit. So this could be one application of the application I guess.

I imagine there are probably numerous other geophysical applications one could think of (especially in a package like QGIS or GRASS) such as processing LiDAR data, having a massive PSLG and trying to find intersection with point data, etc. Something to think about but obviously the SDF for mesh generation comes immediately to mind.

dengwirda commented 3 years ago

Okay, sounds good --- I'll start to think about what a paper might look like. We also use inpolygon-type queries in many places --- design of mesh spacing functions, analysis of MPAS results, etc, as well as kernels within larger GIS type analysis, etc.

If you're looking for frontal-style meshing algorithms, obviously jigsaw may be of interest --- this is based on my "Frontal-Delaunay" algorithm + CVT iteration, and is what we use for MPAS-O, COMPAS, etc.

krober10nd commented 3 years ago

If you're looking for frontal-style meshing algorithms, obviously jigsaw may be of interest --- this is based on my "Frontal-Delaunay" algorithm + CVT iteration, and is what we use for MPAS-O, COMPAS, etc.

Yep, I had planned on using your jig-saw inside it actually at some point down the line. I want oceanmesh to support the traditional mesh generation paradigm where you propagate a front of elements from a PLSG with a known point spacing and jig-saw would accomplish this nicely in addition to the non-traditional SDF approach.

dengwirda commented 3 years ago

:+1: but just jigsaw, not jig-saw... :smirk:


krober10nd commented 3 years ago

that gave a laugh :] yes, I think a jig-saw would be a tool for a different job. haha

krober10nd commented 3 years ago

Hey @dengwirda I got in contact with my friend @HamishB whose one of the GRASS GIS developers about using this algorithm/implementation somehow inside GRASS. He's going to talk to their dev team.

dengwirda commented 3 years ago

@krober10nd, @HamishB, sounds good --- let me know if there's interest in this. I suspect that for a full GIS workflow a "two-level" strategy (where polygons are embedded in an aabb-tree and inpoly is called as the kernel at each leaf) might be the way to go. At least this is how I've done these type of things in the past!