denisebitca / 42utils
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Megaissue for adding new resources #1

Open denisebitca opened 1 year ago

denisebitca commented 1 year ago

This issue will have all the proposed resources in it.

Pull requests should link to comments in this thread.

Follow this format (except if pull request):

Title of the tool
Link for the tool
Short description of the tool (<100 chars)
denisebitca commented 1 year ago

Ludovic Lemaire's Slots-finder:

An app that send a notification when a "correction slot" is available for your project. by Joppe Koers

This website is meant to help students to find peers that are working on the same project by rfautier

This website was created to solve an problem that all post-stage-students are facing: We can't find a f*cking evaluator for a project. With 42evaluators, you can find and contact an active student to set up a correction.

GlaceCoding commented 1 year ago

I did some utils:

And there is this one:

GlaceCoding commented 1 year ago

Also, I did some advanced tools:

A demo of a starter project for project 42

This repository contains example for unit-test, github action, deployment script for the vogsphere, a makefile with leaks rule (will launch the program with system('leak <project_name>') at the end of the main), lldb rule, sanitize rule, bonus support and the makefile is optimized, it will detect himself if a make re is needed (that mean you don't need to do make re when you test your code, that mean you save some compilation time).

A deployment script that add a support for a .vogignore file in supplement of the .gitignore.

The goal of this script is to have a single working repository on GitHub (for working and render/vogsphere) and to be able to deploy on vogsphere with only one command (without making another repository or remove manually file).
This script add the functionality to add a second ignore file, a .vogignore file.