Background: There are countless platforms that provide digital training online and compile lists of online digital training! We’re interested in working in the open to compile these tools, but also categorizing & reviewing them in a useful way for trainers in Chicago and elsewhere.
You can see a current list of tools/trainings + a draft list of resource categories in our collaborative Google doc: Jump to the section "Help us make collect + catalogue online training resources that we can all share" to insert content/questions/comments/recommendations.
Background: There are countless platforms that provide digital training online and compile lists of online digital training! We’re interested in working in the open to compile these tools, but also categorizing & reviewing them in a useful way for trainers in Chicago and elsewhere.
You can see a current list of tools/trainings + a draft list of resource categories in our collaborative Google doc: Jump to the section "Help us make collect + catalogue online training resources that we can all share" to insert content/questions/comments/recommendations.