denisenkom / pytds

Python DBAPI driver for MSSQL using pure Python TDS (Tabular Data Stream) protocol implementation
MIT License
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Issue with zip_import #160

Open sfc-gh-mrojas opened 6 months ago

sfc-gh-mrojas commented 6 months ago

Hi. I found two issues really.

I am trying to use this package to read/write to AzureSQL in snowpark. When using version 1.14 I get this error:

RuntimeError: begin_response was called before previous response was fully consumed in function CONNECT_SQLSERVER with handler connect_sqlserver

I found another issue that says that going back to version 1.13 works the problem is that in vrsion 1.13 you have this code: version = utils.package_version("python-tds")

which fails for me because I am doing a zipimport.

This is the code I am using:

import certifi
with pytds.connect('', 'database', 'user', 'password',cafile=certifi.where(),validate_host=False) as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute("select 1")
            cur.execute("insert into mytest_table(col1,col2) values('hola', 3200)")
            return "done"

I patched the 1.13 version and got it running but I wanted to let you know so maybe both things get fixed on a newer version

denisenkom commented 6 months ago

Hi, thank you for reporting! First issue is fixed in I will look at second issue.

I noticed that you use validate_host=False, this makes you vulnerable to MitM attack since an attacker can easily obtain a valid certificate, e.g. via LetsEncrypt, which would pass validation if validate_host is set to False.