Pygmy documentation:
1. Able to discover all clusters over AWS EC2 and RDS
2. Naming of clusters based on the tags on the intances both EC2 and RDS
3. Individual scale up and scale down based on manual actions
4. Rule based auto triggers for scale up and scale down
5. Rules configured using:
- Time ( Mandatory )
- Avg load
- No. of connections
- Replication Lag
6. Cluster wise Rule Exception management
7. API Access to add exceptions
8. Webapp and API interface security
9. Action logs monitoring
10. Ability to sync latest data for each cluster type
11. Db Parameter changes while RDS and EC2 scale up and down
12. Ability to auto revert changes on future datetime
13. Ability to set crons for scale up and down
14. DNS update on scale up and scale down
15. Long running transactions handling
16. Auto retry to scale up and down
Future Plans:
1. Add support for other cloud platform providers like Azure, Google cloud and IBM cloud
2. Alerting mechanisms using SMS and emails
Product documentation