denisoed / obsidian-orthography

The Obsidian plugin for checking grammar and correcting spelling errors in text.
MIT License
120 stars 3 forks source link

Unable to "correct a word mistake in one click," nor close the checking window #19

Closed sammo3182 closed 3 months ago

sammo3182 commented 2 years ago

Denis, first of all, thank you so very much for the plugin. Grammarly not integrated into Obsidian is really a pain in the ass! Your work gives me hope of solving it. I work on Win 11 and the source mode as you suggest. The plugin works well for identifying the errors in the separate window, but when I click it, nothing changes in the text while the error disappears in the separate window. So, basically, no "Correct a word mistake in one click." I also have the problem mentioned in #17.

As one who also develops software, I know it takes time to fix bugs, especially for an open-source piece. So I would like to appreciate the attention and all the efforts to fix these problems ahead! Thank you again for contributing to integrating Grammarly into obsidian!

denisoed commented 3 months ago
