denispostilnyak / homepage

My very own personal website. Basically this is just a résumé.
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Скласти таймлайн #5

Closed denispostilnyak closed 4 years ago

denispostilnyak commented 4 years ago

Скласти список всіх (важливих) життєвих подій, визначних дат, досягнень, періодів, що дали приємний і неприємний досвід, тощо. В цьому конкретному випадку довгих списків не буває, натомість бувають погано згорнуті, тому пакуємо сюди все підряд, а про "лишні" події можна буде промовчати пізніше. Список повинен бути систематизованим і посортованим в такий спосіб, щоб читач швидко зрозумів "паттерн" і міг легко орієнтуватись в просторі і часі цього резюме.

denispostilnyak commented 4 years ago

1978 Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky was born on January 25, 1978 in the city of Krivoy Rog (Ukrainian USR) into a Ukrainian-Jewish family 1995 He has finished school. At school, he dreamed of becoming a diplomat and even prepared at MGIMO, but enrolled in law studies at the Kryvyi Rih Economic Institute of Kiev National Economic University 2000 He has fineshed university and has never worked for his specialization 2002 Reached the semifinal the Highest League of KVN 2005 On the TV channel "Inter" began the television show "Evening Kvartal", whose ideologist, author, director and lead actor is Vladimir Zelensky. The show quickly gained popularity and soon overtook KVN and Comedy Club in ratings among Ukrainian audiences. Critics attribute the Evening Kvartal to a political cabaret. 2011 General Producer of Inter Channel, a number of leadership positions on the channel were held by members of his team. Financing was mainly focused on the production of Kvartal-95 studio projects 2014 The comedy “Love in the Big City 3” was released on cinema screens, where Vladimir again played the role of Igor’s dentist 2019 On March 31, the first round of the presidential election took place, in which the largest number of votes (30.24%) was won by Vladimir Zelensky