denizyuret / Knet.jl

Koç University deep learning framework.
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Feature Request: Instance Normalization #604

Open andevellicus opened 4 years ago

andevellicus commented 4 years ago

Would be nice to have. Computes the mean and variance for each each W×H×1×1 slice and shifts them to have a new mean and variance


Flux implementation:

basitanees commented 3 years ago

Currently I'm implementing Instance Norm in my project as follows. However, it is not using the moving mean and scale since it was not needed.

struct InstanceNorm scale offset end function InstanceNorm(nChannels) scale = Param((param(1,1,nChannels,1, init = gaussian) . 2) .+ 1) offset = param0(1,1,nChannels,1) InstanceNorm(scale, offset) end function (normLayer::InstanceNorm)(x) len = length(size(x)) mu = mean(x, dims=collect(1:len-2)) variance = var(x, dims=collect(1:len-2)) sigma = sqrt.(variance .+ 1e-5) normalized = (x .- mu) ./ sigma (normLayer.scale . normalized) .+ normLayer.offset end