denmarx / Bio-Simulator

simulates biological environments
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Datenbank einrichten - essentials #12

Closed denmarx closed 3 months ago

denmarx commented 3 months ago

Welche Funktionen soll die Anwendung haben?

Welches Datenbanksystem?

Wo hosten?

Frontend gleicher Hoster wie Backend?

Freiheit der Serverumgebung - eventuell anderer Cloudhostingdienst

denmarx commented 3 months ago

What functions should the application have?

1. User registration and authentication 2. Access control: Users should only be able to access the content that has been approved for them. 3. Paid content: A mechanism should be implemented that allows users to pay for access to certain content. 4. Document management: The platform should be able to manage various (PDF) documents and grant users access to them based on their authorizations. 5. Security: Both user data and payment information must be stored and transmitted securely to ensure data protection and security. 6. Scalability: The system should be scalable to support future growth and an increasing number of users.

denmarx commented 3 months ago

Which database system?

MySQL for structured data storage

Amazon Web Services Simple Storage (AWS S3) for Storing Documents OR Google Firebase

denmarx commented 3 months ago

Where to host?

Checkdomain only supports MySQL databases. It would also be possible to run the front end of the application at one hosting provider and host the database at another service. This type of architecture is often referred to as "split hosting" or "decoupled architecture".