dennis-tra /

🌍 Alfred 4/5 workflow to get translations from
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Add GitHub action to publish the workflow #14

Closed muffix closed 4 months ago

muffix commented 1 year ago

This adds a GitHub action to build and release the workflow whenever a tag is pushed that looks like a semver tag.

When a release with a corresponding tag is created through the GitHub interface, this action runs. It builds and packages the workflow and then adds the workflow to the existing GitHub release.

If a tag is pushed, but no GitHub release exists, it creates a new one. The title is going to be the pushed tag and the body the commit message of the commit the tag points to.

Also contains changes from #13, which needs to be merged first (or at least the addition of the info.plist to the repo). Relevant changes in this PR in 9b47b5b. The other two commits are from #13.

Relates to: #12 Relates to: #13