dennis-tra /

🌍 Alfred 4/5 workflow to get translations from
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Alfred 3 Montery support #9

Closed MBischof-gcx closed 2 years ago

MBischof-gcx commented 2 years ago

Hi there, as mentioned in the release notes the Montery update with the switch to GO does not support Alfred 3 anymore. Can anybody point me into a direction how to change that? I would also get my hands dirty and change some things to make it work, I just don't know where to start. I can't find anything in the Info.plist that looks like an exclusive Alfred 4 thing.

Currently I don't really see a reason to upgrade from Alfred 3 to 4 since I am still super happy with it and it does everything I need it to (apart from working with this Workflow 😅)

Thanks for your help in advance!

dennis-tra commented 2 years ago

Hi @MBischof-gcx,

that's right, there is nothing that would prohibit this workflow from running in Alfred 3. However, I guess the only way is to recreate the workflow in Alfred 3 as I don't know what has changed in the info.plist format. That's not a difficult task, though, because most of the logic resides inside the binaries.

Just create a blank workflow with the following components and configurations:

image Script Filter:


Post Notification:


In the end, copy the binaries into the workflow directory.

Let me know if you get stuck at any of these steps 👍

MBischof-gcx commented 2 years ago

It worked! Thank you so much!

MBischof-gcx commented 2 years ago

Bought you a coffee 😁 Keep up the awesome work!

dennis-tra commented 2 years ago

Awesome :) That's so nice! Thanks a ton :)