dennis-tra / nebula

🌌 A network agnostic DHT crawler, monitor, and measurement tool that exposes timely information about DHT networks.
Apache License 2.0
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feat: add pactus network #65

Closed Ja7ad closed 3 months ago

dennis-tra commented 3 months ago

Hi @Ja7ad! Thanks for the PR, I just tested a crawl against the Pactus network and this is my result:

INFO[0057] Crawl summary:
INFO[0057] Dial Error                                    count=1 value=no_route_to_host
INFO[0057] Dial Error                                    count=1 value=unknown
INFO[0057] Dial Error                                    count=13 value=io_timeout
INFO[0057] Dial Error                                    count=6 value=connection_refused
INFO[0057] Dial Error                                    count=2 value=no_good_addresses
INFO[0057] Dial Error                                    count=6 value=network_unreachable
INFO[0057] Dial Error                                    count=6 value=negotiate_security_protocol
INFO[0057] Dial Error                                    count=49 value=connection_reset_by_peer
INFO[0057] Crawl Error                                   count=3 value=stream_reset
INFO[0057] Crawl Error                                   count=1 value=unknown
INFO[0057] Agent                                         count=88 value=
INFO[0057] Agent                                         count=8 value="node=daemon/node-version=1.1.4/protocol-version=1/os=linux/arch=amd64"
INFO[0057] Agent                                         count=1 value="node=gui/node-version=1.1.4/protocol-version=1/os=windows/arch=amd64"
INFO[0057] Protocol                                      count=5 value=/libp2p/dcutr
INFO[0057] Protocol                                      count=9 value=/meshsub/1.1.0
INFO[0057] Protocol                                      count=9 value=/pactus/gossip/v1/kad/1.0.0
INFO[0057] Protocol                                      count=9 value=/ipfs/id/1.0.0
INFO[0057] Protocol                                      count=5 value=/libp2p/circuit/relay/0.2.0/stop
INFO[0057] Protocol                                      count=9 value=/ipfs/ping/1.0.0
INFO[0057] Protocol                                      count=9 value=/meshsub/1.0.0
INFO[0057] Protocol                                      count=9 value=/pactus/stream/v1
INFO[0057] Protocol                                      count=9 value=/floodsub/1.0.0
INFO[0057] Protocol                                      count=9 value=/ipfs/id/push/1.0.0
INFO[0057] Finished crawl                                crawlDuration=57.871671272s crawledPeers=97 dialablePeers=13 undialablePeers=84

Is this roughly what you would expect? In any case, ProbeLab is running multiple Nebula instances for several networks. If you or someone else from the Pactus network is interested in continuous monitoring of the networking layer reach out to us ;)

b00f commented 3 months ago


Thanks for merging Pactus PR. Regarding the result, most of the bootstrap nodes in Pactus are operated by community members. There are some faulty nodes that we are aware of. We are going to outsource the node and bootstrap tracker project. We have no intention of working on nodes or bootstrap operation. By the way, some errors also came from LibP2P. We should have more nodes than the log above shows; we expect to have roughly around 500. We don't have an exact estimation at this time.

dennis-tra commented 3 months ago

Hi @b00f hmm Nebula found ~100 peers in the DHT 🤔 would be interesting to investigate why it's different.

We are going to outsource the node and bootstrap tracker project.

We at ProbeLab are also monitoring bootstrappers. Here's an example of the Filecoin network:

Anyway, keep us posted if Nebula is of any help for your project!

b00f commented 3 months ago

100 peers in the DHT

It might be. We don't have any number. One of the nodes has already ~100 connection. But it is only one node. I am not sure it it can be all DHT or not:

keep us posted if Nebula is of any help for your project!

Sure. We do. Thanks for the suggestion.