dennis-tra / nebula

🌌 A network agnostic DHT crawler, monitor, and measurement tool that exposes timely information about DHT networks.
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Update Avail bootnodes #72

Closed cortze closed 2 months ago

cortze commented 2 months ago


Since the Avail Goldberg testnet has been deprecated, the bootnodes listed in `./config/bootstrap.go are outdated.

This PR aims to remove the deprecated bootnodes in favour of the new ones for the Avail Turin testnet ones.

Works fine locally:

$ nebula --dry-run crawl --network AVAIL_TURIN --limit 100
INFO[0000] Starting Nebula crawler...                   
INFO[0000] Queried 0 bootstrap peers                     limit=10
2024/07/01 15:56:40 failed to sufficiently increase receive buffer size (was: 208 kiB, wanted: 2048 kiB, got: 416 kiB). See for details.
INFO[0000] Handled worker result                         crawlerID=crawler-04 duration=640.132682ms inflight=8 isDialable=true processed=1 queued=188 remoteID="<peer.ID 12*iqUJ6F>"
INFO[0000] Handled worker result                         crawlErr=stream_reset crawlerID=crawler-03 duration=744.947531ms inflight=195 isDialable=false processed=2 queued=165 remoteID="<peer.ID 12*k5cttK>"
INFO[0000] Handled worker result                         crawlErr=stream_reset crawlerID=crawler-24 duration=745.060788ms inflight=194 isDialable=false processed=3 queued=298 remoteID="<peer.ID 12*K2XoAh>"
INFO[0000] Handled worker result                         crawlerID=crawler-06 duration=807.585077ms inflight=491 isDialable=true processed=4 queued=110 remoteID="<peer.ID 12*xTQQAq>"
INFO[0002] Finished crawl                                crawlDuration=2.020140179s crawledPeers=100 dialablePeers=93 undialablePeers=7
INFO[0002] Stopped Nebula crawler.
cortze commented 2 months ago

Thanks @guillaumemichel for the pointer to the LC!

The changes are addressed and the Turing light-client network works (although there is only one peer)

nebula --dry-run crawl --network AVAIL_TURING_LC --limit 100
INFO[0000] Starting Nebula crawler...                   
INFO[0000] Queried 0 bootstrap peers                     limit=10
2024/07/02 15:59:25 failed to sufficiently increase receive buffer size (was: 208 kiB, wanted: 2048 kiB, got: 416 kiB). See for details.
INFO[0000] Handled worker result                         crawlErr=protocol_not_supported crawlerID=crawler-03 duration=749.894635ms inflight=0 isDialable=false processed=1 queued=0 remoteID="<peer.ID 12*9ArGRT>"
INFO[0000] Closing driver...                            
INFO[0000] Crawl summary:                               
INFO[0000] Crawl Error                                   count=1 value=protocol_not_supported
INFO[0000] Agent                                         count=1 value=avail-light-client/rust-client/server
INFO[0000] Protocol                                      count=1 value=/avail_kad/id/1.0.0-d3d2f3
INFO[0000] Protocol                                      count=1 value=/libp2p/autonat/1.0.0
INFO[0000] Protocol                                      count=1 value=/ipfs/id/push/1.0.0
INFO[0000] Protocol                                      count=1 value=/ipfs/id/1.0.0
INFO[0000] Protocol                                      count=1 value=/ipfs/ping/1.0.0
INFO[0000] Finished crawl                                crawlDuration=798.632741ms crawledPeers=1 dialablePeers=1 undialablePeers=0
INFO[0000] Stopped Nebula crawler.