dennis48309 / OGXboxSoundtrackEditor

A soundtrack editor for the OG Xbox.
4 stars 2 forks source link

Enhancement requests #2 electric boogaloo #3

Open instinctualjealousy opened 2 years ago

instinctualjealousy commented 2 years ago

I believe when prompted that a title is too long, it should:

  1. Have the text dialog filled as far as it can go (based on the tag that needs to be shortened), so you don't have to retype it
  2. The text dialog should have a hard limit of 32 characters so you can't type in more than 32, repeating the error

Another idea: Smart detection of words, parentheses, brackets, to auto shorten names in a graceful way (maybe with a ... trailing) so either the text box autofills with this truncated version (for further human editing/checking, or optionally does it without prompting)

And another: Ability to convert from more formats than just MP3, might be possible to link up to a library to do this as there's a lot of good free decoders out there

dennis48309 commented 1 year ago

Excellent idea. I am only familiar with MP3 but the NAudio library should be able to handle many other formats.