dennisameling / Signal-Desktop

Signal — Private Messenger for Windows, Mac, and Linux
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
130 stars 5 forks source link

Important: new CA certificate for updates and removing Code Signing #16

Open dennisameling opened 1 year ago

dennisameling commented 1 year ago

The changes below only apply to Windows users (not Linux).

New CA certificate for updates

In order for me to offer auto-updates for Signal Desktop arm64 on Windows, the following infra is required:

Removing Code Signing

Code Signing certificates suddenly got ~4x more expensive for 1-year certs. I paid ~$80 dollars last year for a 1-year certificate which was okay-ish, but now such certificate will cost me ~$300 for a 1-year certificate! As a result, I decided to remove Code Signing. This only applies to Windows users.

Quoting from Comodo's website:

Industry standards from the CA/B Forum now require that all code signing certificate keys be stored on a compliant hardware security module (HSM) or hardware token. As part of implementing these changes, Comodo CA has increased code signing certificate prices.