dennisameling / Signal-Desktop

Signal — Private Messenger for Windows, Mac, and Linux
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
129 stars 5 forks source link

How did you get ARM64 debs working? #19

Open Botspot opened 4 months ago

Botspot commented 4 months ago

Sorry for the somewhat noob question. I'm the founder of the world's top ARM app store, and I am interested in adding Signal Desktop. See here for past attempts and progress updates:

After so much talk on Signal's various ARM release requests, like this one and this one, how did you just get it working? We at Pi-Apps could just add your debs to the store. That would work. It is not necessary for us to build it ourselves for it to be added to the store - we can set up the install scripts to have everybody download from your Releases page.

But at this point I would like to know what it actually took to successfully build working ARM64 debs? Are you compiling on actual ARM hardware, or are you cross-compiling? Are you using Github actions for this? What patches were necessary? Have you already answered these questions on the readme and I just missed it? Also which branch are you actively working on, as the master branch seems to be 2 years out of date?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the fact that you seem to be the only person who has gotten it to work, and yet nobody knows about this repo. I found your deb releases more or less by accident.

dennisameling commented 4 months ago

Hi there,

You can find my build scripts here, which should contain all the information you need: The builds take place on CircleCI arm64 Linux runners.

Hope this helps! 😊