denny / ShinyCMS

ShinyCMS is an open source CMS. This is the Perl version, built with Catalyst and DBIC. (There is also a Ruby on Rails version:
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Contact Form, Silent Failure & Documentation #23

Closed wbraswell closed 8 years ago

wbraswell commented 9 years ago

The Contact Us form will silently fail for any number of reasons, including but probably not limited to:

  1. attempting to send mail to an invalid e-mail recipient
  2. attempting to send e-mail from an address which is not accepted by the receiving e-mail server
  3. bounced e-mails due to mailbox full, etc.

Silent failure is bad. Worse yet, the Contact Us form must be set in a way which may not be 100% obvious to everyone who first starts using Shiny, and there is no obvious documentation of the procedure:

  1. Login as admin
  2. Admin area
  3. Pages
  4. List form handlers
  5. Edit Contact Form
  6. Update "Email to" Field
denny commented 8 years ago

The 'email to' field isn't actually compulsory - if it's left blank, the code falls back to using the site_email set in the main config file. I've updated the 'edit form handler' template and the example data to hopefully make this more obvious.

wbraswell commented 8 years ago

Have we added any kind of error messages so that we are not failing silently when there is an error of some kind?