denny / ShinyCMS

ShinyCMS is an open source CMS. This is the Perl version, built with Catalyst and DBIC. (There is also a Ruby on Rails version:
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Edit Contact Form, Template "None" Works But "" Doesn't Work #27

Closed wbraswell closed 8 years ago

wbraswell commented 9 years ago

This is just weird and counter-intuitive. It is not clear to me why a value of "None" works but "" sends a blank e-mail body...

  1. Admin Area
  2. Pages
  3. List Form Handlers
  4. Edit Contact Form 5a. Template Drop-Down Box, "None" Works 5b. Template Drop-Down Box, "" Sends Blank E-Mail Body
denny commented 8 years ago

I can't reproduce this - the steps above work fine for me, using the default demo database and templates. If you're still seeing a problem, come and find me on IRC at some point so we can figure out where we're diverging.

wbraswell commented 8 years ago

I will have to look into it and let you know.