denny / ShinyCMS

ShinyCMS is an open source CMS. This is the Perl version, built with Catalyst and DBIC. (There is also a Ruby on Rails version:
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E-Mail Alerts, Database Table "mail_recipient" Entries Need To Be Managed #30

Closed wbraswell closed 9 years ago

wbraswell commented 9 years ago

In the database table "mail_recipient", there are multiple entries, including one for "Site Admin" with a default value of "".

This was brought to my attention by error logs showing failed messages going out to the "" address, presumably caused by Shiny system alerts of some kind.

I can't find anywhere in the CMS or config file to set this address, so I changed it directly in the database. This is not good, there needs to be documentation about this and some other mechanism for viewing/setting the e-mail address value.

denny commented 9 years ago

I think we discussed this one on IRC? The mail_recipient table is only used for defining Mailing Lists to which you can send out Newsletters. Data in that table was not the cause of the emails you received. If you want to unsubscribe an email address from a mailing list, you can do so in Admin -> Newsletters -> List Mailing Lists, then choose the list you want, then use the unsubscribe option next to the appropriate email address.

I would guess the cause of your emails was replying to blog posts or comments which were owned by a User whose email address is set to (the 'admin' user, in the default demo data). You can change user email addresses by going to Admin -> Users -> List Users, then search that page for the email address you want to change and edit that user appropriately.