denny / ShinyCMS

ShinyCMS is an open source CMS. This is the Perl version, built with Catalyst and DBIC. (There is also a Ruby on Rails version:
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CKEditor, Toolbar Will Not Display All Tools #34

Closed wbraswell closed 10 years ago

wbraswell commented 10 years ago

In the new CKEditor v4.4.5, I am unable to properly customize the toolbar as I successfully did in the old version of CKEditor.

According to the following page, I can enable all possible tools by either deleting the config.js (sets "toolbar" to null) or by using their example config explicitly enabling all tools. Here's a screenshot showing what it should look like with all tools enabled. wbraswell_20141002-ckeditor_toolbar_full_config__sample

I have tried both methods, and they result in the same thing, which is to show only a small subset of the available tools. Here's a screenshot with no config.js file at all:


Here's a screenshot and the full config.js file used: wbraswell_20141002-ckeditor_toolbar_full_config

I know the configuration is actually being updated inside my browser, because if I modify the config.js in some obvious way and then reload the browser, I immediately see the change reflected. Also, with no config.js file the "Browse Server" disappear from the link and image popups. I just can't get it to show all the tools!

wbraswell commented 10 years ago

Here's a screenshot of how my custom toolbar looked in the old CKEditor and the old config file I used to create it:


Although the skin or visual theme of CKEditor has been updated in the newer version, I should still be able to achieve the order of toolbar icons as shown in the old version screenshot. But I'm stuck until I can figure out how to access all the tools.

wbraswell commented 10 years ago

Here's a screenshot using the old CKEditor config file in the new CKEditor. I am missing several tools, including:

  1. Text alignment (left, center, right, justify)
  2. Text size
  3. Text color
  4. Spell-check


I know we can get spell-check turned back on, because it is shown in the screenshots where I tried to turn on all tools. However, I have no idea how to turn on text size, text color, or text alignment.

denny commented 10 years ago

You can't use the old config.js with the new CKEditor, they changed the file format. Take a look inside the new one and edit it appropriately. I left all of the default toolbar options in, I just commented out the ones I didn't want turned on by default, or used the 'remove button' feature to turn off some individual buttons, and then moved what was left onto a single row.

Looking at your screenshot of the old editor with your custom config, the new editor version already has all of those features turned on by default (including spellcheck) except for left/right/justify, font colour, and font size - which I have to admit I didn't see in the default toolbars when I installed it. Take a look at the CKEditor documentation and see whether they're available with a config file edit, or whether you need to install extra plugins. By default you have the 'standard' set of plugins available now (not the 'full' set), which I'm sure should include those features.

wbraswell commented 10 years ago

Actually my old config file still works fine, except for the missing tools in the toolbar.

BUT you're right about the one main thing, the missing tools seems to be caused by using CKEditor "Standard Package" instead of "Full Package":

Please download CKEditor Full Package and update the code on github, then it should (in theory) automatically fix itself on my end.

denny commented 10 years ago

Okay, that's the full package in, reconfigured to only show the basic button set that I had before - but it should be easier for you to invoke the other plugins now just from the config.fs, without needing to install anything.

wbraswell commented 9 years ago

Broken, will open new issue.