denny / ShinyCMS

ShinyCMS is an open source CMS. This is the Perl version, built with Catalyst and DBIC. (There is also a Ruby on Rails version:
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Would be nice to cache dependencies on Travis CI #72

Closed denny closed 3 years ago

denny commented 5 years ago

On CircleCI we now cache the dependencies (CPAN modules) that are installed before testing each time, and only rebuild that cache if the Makefile.PL changes... otherwise that part of the filesystem is just restored from the previously-cached run, which saves us about 5 minutes per test run (so ~10 minutes instead of ~15).

I believe Travis CI has a similar feature, but at first glance the documentation didn't make sense to me... if anybody else has done this before (@davehodg ?) then it'd be great if you could add caching to the Travis config! Otherwise I'll get to it eventually :)

denny commented 5 years ago

(Tagging Dave because I think he added the original Travis config to this project) (Thank you!)

davehodg commented 5 years ago

Sadly, no. I tend to regard Travis as a perl version laundering thing that runs in the background and shouts when something that goes wrong.

In other news I've been taken with GitLab recently.

Did you get closure on the ImageMagick thing that I stalled on? When I was dockerising, I went from CPAN to installing system modules. MUCH faster. Especially when using Catalyst.

denny commented 3 years ago

Closing this in light of Travis abandoning their commitment to open source when they changed owners recently. Sad stuff.