denny / ShinyCMS

ShinyCMS is an open source CMS. This is the Perl version, built with Catalyst and DBIC. (There is also a Ruby on Rails version:
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Enable dist building #97

Open afresh1 opened 3 years ago

afresh1 commented 3 years ago

With the dependencies installed, this lets me:

make manifest
make disttest
make dist

This gives me a ShinyCMS-19.9.tar.gz that I expect could be uploaded to the CPAN and would address issue #70.

However, I don't think the install would be useful as cpan clients won't know what to do do with the root/ directory and although it will install the files in the script/ directory and the bin/ dir is included in the dist, the files there won't get installed (which I think is correct).

In any case, I ended up here from the and so I don't know a whole lot about ShinyCMS and I'm sure the README will need some updates explaining how to install from the CPAN. I'm happy to help figure out some of these challenges as well.

denny commented 3 years ago

Hey, thanks for this! I am completely ignorant of how to bundle stuff up for CPAN (as is probably obvious, with a 10+ year old Perl app that's not on CPAN!) so I'm going to have to trust you on this one 😃 I always felt like CPAN was set up for libraries and getting apps on it seemed like a forced fit, but if this is the way to do it that will make sense to people then I will be really happy to get it merged in!

denny commented 3 years ago

@afresh1 I think it might be good for us to have a quick chat, so I can explain to you how I've been deploying ShinyCMS in production up until now, and you can tell me which bits of that process do/don't fit with the way this will work?

What I'm thinking here is, if there's stuff I'm doing that's not conventional (AKA totally bizarre) then I'm happy to adjust my process to allow the software to be packaged more normally; I'd prefer not to get into a situation where the main contributing user of the software (me, obvs) is deploying it differently from the approach that it suggests to anybody newly downloading and installing it, as that seems like it'll leave them to discover any edge cases and regressions before I do (already a problem with install stuff anyway, as I'm not usually setting up new sites on this CMS these days).

Would you be up for a chat? And if so, any preference on the medium? I'm happy to do a Zoom/etc call, or IRC, or whatever suits you really. Or we can do it async if you'd rather - email or whatever. I'm in the UK, so 5-8 hours ahead of you I guess? I'm happy to talk late evening for me (that's when I'm most awake anyway, not a morning person!)

afresh1 commented 3 years ago

Easiest might be IRC as I'm there (afresh1 on Freenode and, although perhaps I should try going through the setup and get it running to understand how it's expected to work so I'm not sticking you with terribly ignorant questions.

I'm in US Pacific time, so finding a time to do it synchronously might be difficult.

denny commented 3 years ago

Easiest might be IRC as I'm there (afresh1 on Freenode and

Cool; I've invited you to #shinycms on freenode, which I shall try to remember to lurk in from now on.

I'm in US Pacific time, so finding a time to do it synchronously might be difficult.

You might be surprised at the ridiculous hours I keep sometimes 🦉 but if we don't overlap then we can always leave messages ~in a bottle~ on IRC for each other to pick up the next day 🙂