dennybritz / reinforcement-learning

Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. Python, OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow. Exercises and Solutions to accompany Sutton's Book and David Silver's course.
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The right recipe for Deep Reinforcement Learning! #83

Open IbrahimSobh opened 7 years ago

IbrahimSobh commented 7 years ago

Hi @dennybritz

Is there a smart way/procedure to set hyper parameters?

1-Parameter Initialization method (Xavier or others) 2- LSTM length (in case of RNN) 3- Optimizer method (Adam or RMSProp) 4- Learning rate 5- Gradient Clipping value 6- Reward value (in case of reinforcement learning) 7- ...

After 10s of experiments, I found that any tiny change in one of these affects the whole training dramatically, usually in a bad way!

Currently, I am not searching for the best combination, I am just searching for a good one.

It is also not logic to conduct a "grid search" over different parameters, because a single experiment may take hours or days, and cost a lot of money.

One trick I usually use, is to use large network and dropout to reduce/eliminate over fitting, but what about all of the above?

Another trick, try to adjust the learning rate * gradient = 1e-3 parameters. (In other works make the parameter update around 1/1000 of the parameter value, to prevent too large to too small updates)

What do you recommend?

IbrahimSobh commented 7 years ago

I found this nice article

Is there an easy way to optimize hyper parameter selection using Tensorflow?