Closed suchislife801 closed 1 year ago
// deno run --allow-net todo.ts import { Client } from ""; /* New Client Connection */ const client = await new Client().connect({ hostname: "hostname_here", port: 0, // <-- port number here username: "user_name_here", password: "password_here", db: "db_name_here", poolSize: 3, // connection limit }); /* CREATE temp table tblTodos in database memory */ const sqlCREATE1: string = `CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tblTodos ( id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, userId BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, CHECK (userId >= 0), todoCreated TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL, todoModified TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL, todoStatus VARCHAR(16) DEFAULT NULL, todoTitle VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, todoBody VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE = INNODB AUTO_INCREMENT=2001 DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;`; /* SELECT 1 shows an empty table */ const sqlSELECT1: string = `SELECT * FROM tblTodos;`; /* INSERT 1 adds a Pending todo record to the table */ const sqlINSERT1: string = `INSERT INTO tblTodos ( id, userId, todoCreated, todoModified, todoStatus, todoTitle, todoBody ) VALUES ( NULL, 1001, NOW(), NOW(), 'Pending', 'Shopping List #1', 'Apples & Oranges' );`; /* SELECT 2 shows the Pending todo record */ const sqlSELECT2: string = `SELECT * FROM tblTodos WHERE todoStatus = 'Pending';`; /* UPDATE 1 changes todo status from Pending to Complete */ const sqlUPDATE1: string = `UPDATE tblTodos SET todoModified = NOW(), todoStatus = 'Complete' WHERE id = 2001 AND userId = 1001;`; /* SELECT 3 shows the Complete todo record */ const sqlSELECT3: string = `SELECT * FROM tblTodos WHERE todoStatus = 'Complete' AND userId = 1001;`; /* DELETE 1 deletes todo from table */ const sqlDELETE1: string = `DELETE FROM tblTodos WHERE id = 2001 AND userId = 1001;`; /* SELECT 4 once again shows an empty table */ const sqlSELECT4: string = `SELECT * FROM tblTodos;`; /* DROP 1 deletes table tblTodos from database */ const sqlDROP1: string = `DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tblTodos;`; let create1Result, select1Result, insert1Result, select2Result, update1Result, select3Result, delete1Result, select4Result, drop1Result; try { create1Result = await client.execute(sqlCREATE1); if (create1Result) console.log("Table tblToDos created."); select1Result = await client.execute(sqlSELECT1); if (select1Result) console.log("Table tblToDos contains", select1Result.rows.length, "records."); insert1Result = await client.execute(sqlINSERT1); if (insert1Result) console.log(insert1Result.affectedRows, "record(s) inserted.", "id:", insert1Result.lastInsertId); select2Result = await client.execute(sqlSELECT2); if (select2Result) console.log(select2Result.rows); update1Result = await client.execute(sqlUPDATE1); if (update1Result) console.log(update1Result.affectedRows, "record(s) updated."); select3Result = await client.execute(sqlSELECT3); if (select3Result) console.log(select3Result.rows); delete1Result = await client.execute(sqlDELETE1); if (delete1Result) console.log(delete1Result.affectedRows, "record(s) deleted."); select4Result = await client.execute(sqlSELECT4); if (select4Result) console.log("Table tblToDos contains", select1Result.rows.length, "records."); drop1Result = await client.execute(sqlDROP1); if (drop1Result) console.log("Table tblToDos droped."); } catch(error) { // Complete MySQL error message. // console.log(`%cError: ${error.message}`, "color: #e53935"); // Build a smaller MySQL error message. const errorPart1 = error.message.split(";")[0]; const errorPart2 = error.message.split(" use ")[1]; console.log(`%cError: ${errorPart1} ${errorPart2}`, "color: #e53935"); } finally { await client.close(); }
INFO connecting... INFO connected Table tblToDos created. Table tblToDos contains 0 records. 1 record(s) inserted. id: 2001 [ { id: 2001, userId: 1001, todoCreated: 2023-03-27T09:43:34.000Z, todoModified: 2023-03-27T09:43:34.000Z, todoStatus: "Pending", todoTitle: "Shopping List #1", todoBody: "Apples & Oranges" } ] 1 record(s) updated. [ { id: 2001, userId: 1001, todoCreated: 2023-03-27T09:43:34.000Z, todoModified: 2023-03-27T09:43:34.000Z, todoStatus: "Complete", todoTitle: "Shopping List #1", todoBody: "Apples & Oranges" } ] 1 record(s) deleted. Table tblToDos contains 0 records. Table tblToDos droped. INFO close connection
Hello. Just wanted to share a todo TEMP TABLE example for those who use Digital Ocean Managed MySQL databases.