denodrivers / sqlite3

The fastest and correct SQLite3 module for Deno runtime
Apache License 2.0
265 stars 22 forks source link

Doesn't work on Linux #46

Closed ralyodio closed 2 years ago

ralyodio commented 2 years ago
$ deno run -A ./app.ts  
error: Uncaught Error: Native SQLite3 library not found, try installing SQLite3. If you have an existing installation, either add it to path or set the `DENO_SQLITE_PATH` environment variable.
  const error = new Error(
Caused by: TypeError: Deno.dlopen is not a function
➜  app git:(master) ✗ 
$ deno -V             
deno 1.25.0

Manjaro/arch and Ubuntu. Neither work all of a sudden.

niklaskorz commented 2 years ago

You have to run it with --unstable --allow-ffi, otherwise Deno.dlopen is unavailable.

DjDeveloperr commented 2 years ago

As mentioned above, --unstable is missing. Closing. And there's some breaking changes in Deno 1.25 which actually broke the library some other way, which #44 will be fixing along with rewrite