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Deno.watchFs looses events #11373

Open Nemo64 opened 3 years ago

Nemo64 commented 3 years ago

I wrote this little test script:

import {ensureDir} from ""; // importing fs/mod.ts requires --unstable

const FOLDER = 'test';
await ensureDir(FOLDER);

queueMicrotask(async () => {
    let count = 0;
    for await (const event of Deno.watchFs(FOLDER)) {
        console.log(`event`, ++count, event);

queueMicrotask(async () => {
    await Promise.all([...Array(100)].map((_, index) => {
        return Deno.writeTextFile(`${FOLDER}/file${index}`, `content of file${index}`);
    console.log('written all files');

It creates a test directory and watches it for changes. Then, it creates 100 files in it.

What I would expect is 100 or 200 events (100 create and 100 modify). What I instead get is this:

event 1 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file0" ] }
event 2 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file1" ] }
event 3 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file2" ] }
written all files
event 4 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file3" ] }
event 5 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file4" ] }
event 6 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file5" ] }
event 7 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file6" ] }
event 8 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file7" ] }
event 9 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file8" ] }
event 10 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file9" ] }
event 11 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file10" ] }
event 12 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file11" ] }
event 13 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file12" ] }
event 14 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file13" ] }
event 15 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file14" ] }
event 16 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file15" ] }
event 17 { kind: "create", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file87" ] }
event 18 { kind: "modify", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file1" ] }
event 19 { kind: "access", paths: [ "/Volumes/Workspace/replicator-db/test/file89" ] }

Just 19 events.

To verify that this is not an os issue, I ran the test with inotifywatch test which outputs this result:

total  access  modify  close_write  close_nowrite  open  create  filename
404    2       100     100          1              101   100     test/

So basically the expected number of events.

On macOs, I used fswatch -r test and then copied the result into pbpaste|wc -l which showed 100 events, so nothing was lost on the os level either.

I ran this test on

EDIT: with the currently newest stable deno version

deno 1.11.5 (release, x86_64-apple-darwin)
typescript 4.3.2
jsejcksn commented 3 years ago

I can reproduce this.

I also get more events if I don't use queueMicrotask: ```ts // deno run --allow-read=test --allow-write=test watch_fs.ts import {ensureDir} from ''; // importing fs/mod.ts requires --unstable const FOLDER = 'test'; await ensureDir(FOLDER); const watcher = Deno.watchFs(FOLDER); (async () => { let count = 0; for await (const event of watcher) { console.log(`event`, ++count, event.kind, event.paths); } })(); for (let index = 1; index <= 100; index += 1) { Deno.writeTextFile(`${FOLDER}/file${index}`, `content of file${index}`); } console.log('All files written'); // stop watching after 3s setTimeout(watcher.close.bind(watcher), 3000); ```
Nemo64 commented 3 years ago

I assume it's an internal queue that is overflowing if you don't consume the events quickly enough. If you write files sequentially, it mostly gets all events.

for (let index = 1; index <= 100; index += 1) {
    await Deno.writeTextFile(`${FOLDER}/file${index}`, `content of file${index}`);

If you let the watcher run and use a shell script in the test folder find . -name "file*"-print0 |xargs -0 -I {} mv {} {}_ then deno also gets about 80% of events (it looks like 2 modify and 1 create, no remove though). If you speed it up with find . -name "file*" -print0 |xargs -P8 -0 -I {} mv {} {}_, you get fewer events (about 50%).

These numbers vary strongly based on what your machine is doing.

andykais commented 5 months ago

so interestingly somewhat related. I discovered that Deno.watchFs cannot properly track neovim writes. I believe this comes down to the way neovim uses swap files. What's interesting is that this is a problem with the os. E.g. this is what a small test script produces:

for await (const event of Deno.watchFs('./bin/') {
  event: [Object: null prototype] {
    kind: "modify",
    paths: [ "/home/andrew/bin/" ],
    flag: null
  event: [Object: null prototype] {
    kind: "modify",
    paths: [ "/home/andrew/bin/" ],
    flag: null
  event: [Object: null prototype] {
    kind: "remove",
    paths: [ "/home/andrew/bin/" ],
    flag: null

and this is what inotifywait -m ./bin/ outputs:

Setting up watches.
Watches established.
/home/andrew/bin/ MOVE_SELF
/home/andrew/bin/ ATTRIB
/home/andrew/bin/ DELETE_SELF

in both cases I updated and saved the file multiple times but only the very first event was captured. I don't know if this belongs under its own issue, I imagine the only thing deno would do is add some magic on top of the os watcher to see if files need to be watched under a new inode or something. I wanted to start here though and see if someone tells me this is issue worthy. I probably could solve this myself by reinstantiating the Deno.watchFs every time I see a remove event

teleclimber commented 2 weeks ago

@andykais I don't know if you're still fighting this, but it appears you're losing the watch because the file you're watching is being deleted. Vim editors save in interesting ways, see here for good rundown and in particular how it affects watchers:

I don't think this is a Deno thing. I know about the vim quirks because I ran into similar issues in a Go program.