denoland / deno

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`deno cache` failing with error sending request for url: dispatch task is gone: runtime dropped the dispatch task #21866

Closed ishmam-mahmud closed 8 months ago

ishmam-mahmud commented 8 months ago

This does not happen locally. It seems to only be affecting our Dockerfile when it runs on our deployment.

Here's a section of the Dockerfile that's causing the issue

FROM denoland/deno:1.31.1




USER deno

# Copy dependencies files
ADD --chown=deno:deno ./import_map.json .
ADD --chown=deno:deno ./deps.ts .
# Cache dependencies
RUN deno cache --import-map=import_map.json deps.ts

# Copy shared dir
ADD --chown=deno:deno ./shared ./shared

# Copy service
ADD --chown=deno:deno ./services/${SERVICE_NAME} ./services/${SERVICE_NAME}

WORKDIR /app/services/${SERVICE_NAME}

RUN deno cache ./main.ts

CMD ["run", "--allow-net", "--allow-read", "--allow-env", "--allow-write", "--allow-sys", "main.ts"]

This is a monorepo structure, where each service is in a services folder, and the shared folder contains custom libraries used by multiple services.

The error message from the docker CLI itself:

29.63 Download
32.64 error: error sending request for url ( dispatch task is gone: runtime dropped the dispatch task
32.64     at
  13 |     ADD --chown=deno:deno ./deps.ts .
  14 |     # Cache dependencies
  15 | >>> RUN deno cache --import-map=import_map.json deps.ts
  16 |     
error: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c deno cache --import-map=import_map.json deps.ts" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
error: exit status 1

The url/specific dependency that causes the failure is different everytime, but it's usually a package or a package.

Here's the deps.ts file:

export * as server from "";
import type * as ServerTypes from "";
export { ServerTypes };

export * as dotenv from "";
export * as datetime from "";
export * as oak from "";
export * as djwt from "";
export * as io from "";
export * as crypto from "";
export * as encodingBase64 from "";
export * as encodingBase32 from "";
export * as graphql_tag from "";
export * as to_case from "";
export * as path from "";
export * as fs from "";
export * as uuid from "";
export * as apollo_subgraph from "npm:@apollo/subgraph@2.3.2";
export * as graphql_scalars from "";
export * as bcrypt from "";
export * as bcrypt_worker from "";
export * as cookie from "";
export * as jose from "";
export * as encodingHex from "";
export * as Sentry from "npm:@sentry/node@7.49.0";
export * as Posthog from "npm:posthog-node@3.1.2";
import {
} from "";
export { ExtMapping, MimeMapping };

import type * as GraphQLCodegenCliTypes from "npm:@graphql-codegen/cli";
export { GraphQLCodegenCliTypes };

export * as log from "";
export * as log_levels from "";
import type * as LogTypes from "";
export { LogTypes };

export * as graphql from "npm:graphql@16.6.0";
import type * as GraphqlTypes from "npm:graphql@16.6.0";
export { GraphqlTypes };

export * as zod from "";
import type * as ZodTypes from "";
export { ZodTypes };

export * as zodToJsonSchema from "";

export { default as postgres } from "";

export * as pgtyped_runtime from "npm:@pgtyped/runtime@2.0.0";
import type * as PgtypedRuntimeTypes from "npm:@pgtyped/runtime@2.0.0";
export { PgtypedRuntimeTypes };

export * as pgtyped_parser from "npm:@pgtyped/parser@2.0.0";
import type * as PgtypedParserTypes from "npm:@pgtyped/parser@2.0.0";
export { PgtypedParserTypes };

export * as graphql_request from "";
import type * as GraphqlRequestTypes from "";
import type * as GraphqlRequestDomTypes from "*graphql-request@5.1.0/dist/types.dom";
export { GraphqlRequestDomTypes, GraphqlRequestTypes };

export * as graphql_middleware from "npm:graphql-middleware@6.1.33";
import type * as GraphqlMiddlewareTypes from "npm:graphql-middleware@6.1.33";
export { GraphqlMiddlewareTypes };

// "npm:graphql-yoga@3.1.2" is unstable live (graphql playground does not work)
// esm package v111 or v131 are both unstable during testing
// Use --no-check flag when testing locally until we find a stable version
export * as graphql_yoga from "";
export * as graphql_yoga_plugin_response_cache from "npm:@graphql-yoga/plugin-response-cache@1.9.0";
import type * as GraphqlYogaTypes from "";
export { GraphqlYogaTypes };

import * as envelop_core from "";
export { envelop_core };
import type * as EnvelopCoreTypes from "";
export { EnvelopCoreTypes };

export * as stripe from "";
import type * as StripeTypes from "";
export { StripeTypes };

export { default as sendgrid_mail } from "npm:@sendgrid/mail@7.7.0";
import type * as SendgridMailTypes from "npm:@sendgrid/mail@7.7.0";
export { SendgridMailTypes };

export * as sendgrid_helpers from "npm:@sendgrid/helpers@7.7.0";

export * as buffer from "";
import type * as BufferTypes from "";
export { BufferTypes };

// lodash
export { default as lodashChunk } from "";
export { default as lodashUniqBy } from "";
export { default as lodashIsEmpty } from "";
export { default as lodashOmit } from "";
export { default as lodashGroupBy } from "";
export { default as lodashSortBy } from "";
export { default as lodashDifference } from "";

// pothos
export { default as pothos_core } from "npm:@pothos/core@3.23.1";
export { default as pothos_plugin_relay } from "npm:@pothos/plugin-relay@3.30.0";
export { default as pothos_plugin_validation } from "npm:@pothos/plugin-validation@3.8.7";
export { default as pothos_plugin_simple_objects } from "npm:@pothos/plugin-simple-objects@3.6.7";
export { default as pothos_plugin_directives } from "npm:@pothos/plugin-directives@3.9.2";
export { default as pothos_plugin_federation } from "npm:@pothos/plugin-federation@3.9.1";

// octokit
export * as octokit_plugin_throttling from "";
export * as octokit_plugin_paginate_rest from "";

export * as octokit_plugin_rest_endpoint_methods from "";
import type * as OctokitPluginRestEndpointMethodsTypes from "";
export { OctokitPluginRestEndpointMethodsTypes };

export * as octokit_rest from "";
import type * as OctokitRestTypes from "";
export { OctokitRestTypes };

export * as OctokitRequestError from "";

import type * as OctokitWebhookEventTypes from "npm:@octokit/webhooks-types@6.11.0";
export { OctokitWebhookEventTypes };

export * as xstate from "";

export * as preact_render_to_string from "";
import type * as PreactTypes from "preact";
export { PreactTypes };

export { default as Dataloader } from "";

export * as norm from "";

export { default as tld_extract } from "";
export { default as emailProviders } from "" assert { type: "json" };

export { parse } from "";

// S3
export * as client_s3 from "npm:@aws-sdk/client-s3";
export * as s3_request_presigner from "npm:@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner";

export * as marked from "npm:marked@6";

export * as OTPAuth from "";

export * as gitbeaker from "";
import type * as GitBeakerTypes from "";
export { GitBeakerTypes };

here's the import_map.json file, with the service names and shared library names redacted

  "imports": {
    "@root/deps.ts": "./deps.ts",
    "@root/dev_deps.ts": "./dev_deps.ts",
    "@svc.service_name_here/": "./services/service_name_here/",
    "@us/shared/shared_library_name_here": "./shared/shared_library_name_here/mod.ts",
    "graphql-request": "",
    "graphql-tag": "",
    "graphql-request/dist/types.dom": "*graphql-request@5.1.0/dist/types.dom",
    "is-plain-obj": "",
    "graphql": "npm:graphql@16.6.0",
    "": "",
    "preact": "",
    "preact/": "",
    "preact/jsx-runtime": "",
    "preact/jsx-dev-runtime": "",
    "preact-render-to-string": "*preact-render-to-string@5.2.6"
ishmam-mahmud commented 8 months ago

The error is reproducible locally if I run docker build . It just doesn't happen if I run deno cache myself

magurotuna commented 8 months ago

Hi @ishmam-mahmud. Have you seen this issue very recently, like in the past two hours or so? We applied a small change to our backend a few hours ago. I wonder if it's related.

ishmam-mahmud commented 8 months ago

Hi @ishmam-mahmud. Have you seen this issue very recently, like in the past two hours or so? We applied a small change to our backend a few hours ago. I wonder if it's related.

We saw this issue the first time around 2024-01-09T17:04:27.000+08:00, or 2024-01-09T09:04:27.000Z in UTC

magurotuna commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the info. The time we applied a change was around 9:30 AM UTC, so I suppose this backend change has nothing to do with this issue. But we'll look into it a bit more.

magurotuna commented 8 months ago

Sorry I mistakenly closed it. Reopening now.

@ishmam-mahmud Could you try again your workflow? We've done a small change yet again to backend, although we're not sure if this fixes your issue.

ishmam-mahmud commented 8 months ago

We started getting a different error at first: 500 Internal Server Errors, but after a few retries we managed to deploy all our services successfully. Everything's green now.

lucab commented 8 months ago

For reference, there is also a widespread GitHub outage going on today:

magurotuna commented 8 months ago

@ishmam-mahmud Thanks for confirmation. Glad that your issue has been solved. I think all related issues have also been resolved by the change we made to the backend, so I'll close this issue now. Feel free to reopen if it still occurs.