divy@mini ~/g/pasteboard (main)> deno publish
Checking fast check type graph for errors...
Ensuring type checks...
Check file:///Users/divy/gh/pasteboard/pasteboard.ts
Visit https://jsr.io/auth?code=XXXX to authorize publishing of @divy/pasteboard
Authorization successful. Authenticated as Divy Srivastava
Publishing @divy/pasteboard@0.0.1 ...
giterror: Failed to publish @divy/pasteboard@0.0.1
Caused by:
Failed to publish @divy/pasteboard at 0.0.1: Triple slash directives that modify globals (for example, '/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />' or '/// <reference lib="dom" />') are not allowed. Instead instruct the user of your package to specify these directives. file:///objc.ts:15:1
had a triple slash directive:The issue is that dry run passes.