denoland / deno

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Improved types for `Deno.serve` in 2.0 #23710

Open lucacasonato opened 1 week ago

lucacasonato commented 1 week ago
export namespace Deno {
  /** Additional information for an HTTP request and its connection.
   * @category HTTP Server
  export interface ServeHandlerInfo<Addr extends Deno.Addr = Deno.Addr> {
    /** The remote address of the connection. */
    remoteAddr: Addr;

  /** A handler for HTTP requests. Consumes a request and returns a response.
   * If a handler throws, the server calling the handler will assume the impact
   * of the error is isolated to the individual request. It will catch the error
   * and if necessary will close the underlying connection.
   * @category HTTP Server
  export type ServeHandler<Addr extends Deno.Addr = Deno.Addr> = (
    request: Request,
    info: ServeHandlerInfo<Addr>,
  ) => Response | Promise<Response>;

  /** Options which can be set when calling {@linkcode Deno.serve}.
   * @category HTTP Server
  export interface ServeOptions<Addr extends Deno.Addr = Deno.Addr> {
    /** An {@linkcode AbortSignal} to close the server and all connections. */
    signal?: AbortSignal;

    /** The handler to invoke when route handlers throw an error. */
    onError?: (error: unknown) => Response | Promise<Response>;

    /** The callback which is called when the server starts listening. */
    onListen?: (localAddr: Addr) => void;

   * Options that can be passed to `Deno.serve` to create a server listening on
   * a TCP port.
   * @category HTTP Server
  export interface ServeTcpOptions extends ServeOptions<Deno.NetAddr> {
    /** The transport to use. */
    transport?: "tcp";

    /** The port to listen on.
     * @default {8000} */
    port?: number;

    /** A literal IP address or host name that can be resolved to an IP address.
     * __Note about ``__ While listening `` works on all platforms,
     * the browsers on Windows don't work with the address ``.
     * You should show the message like `server running on localhost:8080` instead of
     * `server running on` if your program supports Windows.
     * @default {""} */
    hostname?: string;

    /** Sets `SO_REUSEPORT` on POSIX systems. */
    reusePort?: boolean;

   * Options that can be passed to `Deno.serve` to create a server listening on
   * a Unix domain socket.
   * @category HTTP Server
  export interface ServeUnixOptions extends ServeOptions<Deno.UnixAddr> {
    /** The transport to use. */
    transport?: "unix";

    /** The unix domain socket path to listen on. */
    path: string;

   * @category HTTP Server
  export interface ServeInit<Addr extends Deno.Addr = Deno.Addr> {
    /** The handler to invoke to process each incoming request. */
    handler: ServeHandler<Addr>;

  /** An instance of the server created using `Deno.serve()` API.
   * @category HTTP Server
  export interface HttpServer<Addr extends Deno.Addr = Deno.Addr>
    extends AsyncDisposable {
    /** A promise that resolves once server finishes - eg. when aborted using
     * the signal passed to {@linkcode ServeOptions.signal}.
    finished: Promise<void>;

    /** The local address this server is listening on. */
    addr: Addr;

     * Make the server block the event loop from finishing.
     * Note: the server blocks the event loop from finishing by default.
     * This method is only meaningful after `.unref()` is called.
    ref(): void;

    /** Make the server not block the event loop from finishing. */
    unref(): void;

    /** Gracefully close the server. No more new connections will be accepted,
     * while pending requests will be allowed to finish.
    shutdown(): Promise<void>;

  /** Serves HTTP requests with the given handler.
   * The below example serves with the port `8000` on hostname `""`.
   * ```ts
   * Deno.serve((_req) => new Response("Hello, world"));
   * ```
   * @category HTTP Server
  export function serve(
    handler: ServeHandler<Deno.NetAddr>,
  ): HttpServer<Deno.NetAddr>;
   /** Serves HTTP requests with the given option bag and handler.
   * You can specify the socket path with `path` option.
   * ```ts
   * Deno.serve(
   *   { path: "path/to/socket" },
   *   (_req) => new Response("Hello, world")
   * );
   * ```
   * You can stop the server with an {@linkcode AbortSignal}. The abort signal
   * needs to be passed as the `signal` option in the options bag. The server
   * aborts when the abort signal is aborted. To wait for the server to close,
   * await the promise returned from the `Deno.serve` API.
   * ```ts
   * const ac = new AbortController();
   * const server = Deno.serve(
   *    { signal: ac.signal, path: "path/to/socket" },
   *    (_req) => new Response("Hello, world")
   * );
   * server.finished.then(() => console.log("Server closed"));
   * console.log("Closing server...");
   * ac.abort();
   * ```
   * By default `Deno.serve` prints the message
   * `Listening on path/to/socket` on listening. If you like to
   * change this behavior, you can specify a custom `onListen` callback.
   * ```ts
   * Deno.serve({
   *   onListen({ path }) {
   *     console.log(`Server started at ${path}`);
   *     // ... more info specific to your server ..
   *   },
   *   path: "path/to/socket",
   * }, (_req) => new Response("Hello, world"));
   * ```
   * @category HTTP Server
   export function serve(
    options: ServeUnixOptions,
    handler: ServeHandler<Deno.UnixAddr>,
  ): HttpServer<Deno.UnixAddr>;
  /** Serves HTTP requests with the given option bag.
   * You can specify an object with a port and hostname option, which is the
   * address to listen on. The default is port `8000` on hostname `""`.
   * ```ts
   * const ac = new AbortController();
   * const server = Deno.serve({
   *   port: 3000,
   *   hostname: "",
   *   handler: (_req) => new Response("Hello, world"),
   *   signal: ac.signal,
   *   onListen({ port, hostname }) {
   *     console.log(`Server started at http://${hostname}:${port}`);
   *   },
   * });
   * server.finished.then(() => console.log("Server closed"));
   * console.log("Closing server...");
   * ac.abort();
   * ```
   * @category HTTP Server
  export function serve(
      & ServeInit<Deno.NetAddr>
      & (ServeTcpOptions | (ServeTcpOptions & TlsCertifiedKeyOptions)),
  ): HttpServer<Deno.NetAddr>;
  /** Serves HTTP requests with the given option bag and handler.
   * You can specify an object with a port and hostname option, which is the
   * address to listen on. The default is port `8000` on hostname `""`.
   * You can change the address to listen on using the `hostname` and `port`
   * options. The below example serves on port `3000` and hostname `""`.
   * ```ts
   * Deno.serve(
   *   { port: 3000, hostname: "" },
   *   (_req) => new Response("Hello, world")
   * );
   * ```
   * You can stop the server with an {@linkcode AbortSignal}. The abort signal
   * needs to be passed as the `signal` option in the options bag. The server
   * aborts when the abort signal is aborted. To wait for the server to close,
   * await the promise returned from the `Deno.serve` API.
   * ```ts
   * const ac = new AbortController();
   * const server = Deno.serve(
   *    { signal: ac.signal },
   *    (_req) => new Response("Hello, world")
   * );
   * server.finished.then(() => console.log("Server closed"));
   * console.log("Closing server...");
   * ac.abort();
   * ```
   * By default `Deno.serve` prints the message
   * `Listening on http://<hostname>:<port>/` on listening. If you like to
   * change this behavior, you can specify a custom `onListen` callback.
   * ```ts
   * Deno.serve({
   *   onListen({ port, hostname }) {
   *     console.log(`Server started at http://${hostname}:${port}`);
   *     // ... more info specific to your server ..
   *   },
   * }, (_req) => new Response("Hello, world"));
   * ```
   * To enable TLS you must specify the `key` and `cert` options.
   * ```ts
   * const cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
   * const key = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
   * Deno.serve({ cert, key }, (_req) => new Response("Hello, world"));
   * ```
   * @category HTTP Server
  export function serve(
      | ServeTcpOptions
      | (ServeTcpOptions & TlsCertifiedKeyOptions),
    handler: ServeHandler<Deno.NetAddr>,
  ): HttpServer<Deno.NetAddr>;
  /** Serves HTTP requests with the given option bag.
   * You can specify an object with the path option, which is the
   * unix domain socket to listen on.
   * ```ts
   * const ac = new AbortController();
   * const server = Deno.serve({
   *   path: "path/to/socket",
   *   handler: (_req) => new Response("Hello, world"),
   *   signal: ac.signal,
   *   onListen({ path }) {
   *     console.log(`Server started at ${path}`);
   *   },
   * });
   * server.finished.then(() => console.log("Server closed"));
   * console.log("Closing server...");
   * ac.abort();
   * ```
   * @category HTTP Server
  export function serve(
    options: ServeInit<Deno.UnixAddr> & ServeUnixOptions,
  ): HttpServer<Deno.UnixAddr>;


Biggest breaking change is that most users of ServeOptions will now have to use ServeTcpOptions instead.