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Bug: `vitest run --coverage` throws `Not implemented: inspector.Session.prototype.connect` #25004

Open yasaichi opened 1 month ago

yasaichi commented 1 month ago

Version: Deno 1.45.5

I ran into the following error (panic) when running DENO_FUTURE=1 deno run -A npm:vitest run --coverage:

Deno has panicked. This is a bug in Deno. Please report this
If you can reliably reproduce this panic, include the
reproduction steps and re-run with the RUST_BACKTRACE=1 env
var set and include the backtrace in your report.

Platform: macos aarch64
Version: 1.45.5
Args: ["/Users/yuichigoto/.local/share/mise/installs/deno/1.45.5/bin/deno", "run", "-A", "npm:vitest", "run", "--coverage"]

thread 'main' panicked at cli/
internal error: entered unreachable code: Deno bug. node:inspector was misconfigured internally.
stack backtrace:
   0: _rust_begin_unwind
   1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
   2: deno::module_loader::CliModuleLoaderInner<TGraphContainer>::load_prepared_module_or_defer_emit
   3: <deno::module_loader::CliModuleLoader<TGraphContainer> as deno_core::modules::loaders::ModuleLoader>::load::{{closure}}
   4: deno_core::modules::recursive_load::RecursiveModuleLoad::register_and_recurse_inner::{{closure}}
   5: <deno_core::modules::recursive_load::RecursiveModuleLoad as futures_core::stream::Stream>::poll_next
   6: deno_core::modules::map::ModuleMap::poll_progress
   7: deno_core::runtime::jsruntime::JsRuntime::poll_event_loop
   8: deno_core::runtime::jsruntime::JsRuntime::run_event_loop::{{closure}}
   9: deno_runtime::worker::MainWorker::run_event_loop::{{closure}}
  10: deno::worker::CliMainWorker::run::{{closure}}
  11: deno::tools::run::run_script::{{closure}}
  12: deno::spawn_subcommand::{{closure}}
  13: <deno_unsync::tokio::task::MaskFutureAsSend<F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
  14: tokio::runtime::task::raw::poll
  15: deno::main
note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.

This bug always happens when trying to measure test coverage with @vitest/coverage-v8. Here is the repo to reproduce it. Thanks you in advance!

NOTE: @vitest/coverage-istanbul is another way to measure test coverage and works well with Deno. One cons is that it seems slower than using v8 because of an effort for instrumentation.

marvinhagemeister commented 1 month ago

Looks like this is caused by node:inspector not being well supported in Deno at the moment.

yasaichi commented 1 month ago

Related to #23882

yasaichi commented 1 month ago

I am feeling sorry that all I can do is report bugs. Unfortunately, I ran into the following new error while trying to measure test coverage in the repo with the HEAD of Deno.

Error: Not implemented: inspector.Session.prototype.constructor
 ❯ notImplemented ext:deno_node/_utils.ts:38:9
 ❯ new Session node:inspector:22:5
 ❯ node_modules/.pnpm/@vitest+coverage-v8@2.0.5_vitest@2.0.5/node_modules/@vitest/coverage-v8/dist/index.js:4:17

It means that thanks to @marvinhagemeister, the bug I originally reported was resolved.

marvinhagemeister commented 1 month ago

Yeah the whole node:inspector code is basically just stubs at the moment. We need to add code to actually attach and create an inspector.

yasaichi commented 1 month ago

@marvinhagemeister Thank you so much for your hard work around this topic. BTW as for this issue, feel free to close it.

yasaichi commented 1 month ago

Due to security implications the Deno team does not plan to polyfill these APIs.

Is the statement about node:inspector still true even now? If so, should I think that I will never be able to measure test coverage in any nodejs-based testing frameworks relying on the module in the future?

marvinhagemeister commented 1 month ago

This statement isn't true. We're currently in the process of updating our documentation in preparation for Deno 2.

kt3k commented 3 days ago

The error now looks like the below (Updated the title):

Error: Not implemented: inspector.Session.prototype.connect
 ❯ notImplemented ext:deno_node/_utils.ts:9:9
 ❯ Session.connect node:inspector:12:5
 ❯ startCoverage node_modules/.deno/@vitest+coverage-v8@2.0.5/node_modules/@vitest/coverage-v8/dist/index.js:6:11
 ❯ Object.startCoverage node_modules/.deno/@vitest+coverage-v8@2.0.5/node_modules/@vitest/coverage-v8/dist/index.js:44:12
 ❯ startCoverageInsideWorker node_modules/.deno/vitest@2.0.5/node_modules/vitest/dist/chunks/coverage.CqfT4xaf.js:47:42
 ❯ run node_modules/.deno/vitest@2.0.5/node_modules/vitest/dist/chunks/runBaseTests.CyvqmuC9.js:105:3
 ❯ runBaseTests node_modules/.deno/vitest@2.0.5/node_modules/vitest/dist/chunks/base.CC5R_kgU.js:31:3
 ❯ ForksBaseWorker.executeTests node_modules/.deno/vitest@2.0.5/node_modules/vitest/dist/workers/forks.js:25:7
 ❯ execute node_modules/.deno/vitest@2.0.5/node_modules/vitest/dist/worker.js:115:5
 ❯ onMessage node_modules/.deno/tinypool@1.0.1/node_modules/tinypool/dist/entry/process.js:55:20
kt3k commented 3 days ago

25198 might solve this issue