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Published release never showed up after successful webhook #25

Open KyleJune opened 1 year ago

KyleJune commented 1 year ago

On Feb 19th @ 5:41:38 PM CST, I pushed the tag 0.5.0 to github for my udibo_react_app module.

The webhook had the following response showing it was successful.


If you go to that status url, it shows that it was successful.

I did try redelivering it but that failed and had this response indicating deno recognizes the version was already pushed.

{"success":false,"error":"version already exists"}

The 0.5.0 release still doesn't show up on 6 days later. It shows the latest version is the previous one which is 0.4.0. I've tried clearing my cache and others reported that it doesn't show up for them either.



It doesn't show up in the apiland API response either.

{"metrics":{"maintenance":{},"updated":"2023-02-25T00:25:16.889Z","quality":{},"name":"udibo_react_app","popularity":{"score":58,"sessions_30_day":49,"users_30_day":72}},"info":{"defaultModule":{"docable":true,"path":"/mod.tsx","type":"file","size":5358},"kind":"modinfo","module":"udibo_react_app","versions":["0.4.0","0.3.3","0.3.2","0.3.1","0.3.0","0.2.1","0.2.0","0.1.3","0.1.2","0.1.1","0.1.0"],"upload_options":{"ref":"0.4.0","type":"github","repository":"udibo/react_app"},"dependencies":[{"pkg":"http_error","src":"","ver":"0.4.0"},{"ver":"18.2.0","org":"","pkg":"react-dom","src":""},{"org":"","src":"","ver":"3.1.4","pkg":"react-error-boundary"},{"pkg":"react-helmet-async","ver":"1.3.0","org":"","src":""},{"ver":"6.6.1","pkg":"react-router-dom","org":"","src":""},{"ver":"18.2.0","org":"","pkg":"react","src":""}],"uploaded_at":"2023-02-19T03:29:15.260Z","tags":[],"description":"A React Framework for Deno that makes it easy to create highly interactive apps that have server side rendering with file based routing for both your UI and API.","dependency_errors":[],"config":{"type":"file","size":763,"path":"/deno.jsonc"},"readme":{"path":"/","type":"file","size":11246},"version":"0.4.0","latest_version":"0.4.0"}}

When I brought this up in #dev-website on discord. @crowlKats agreed this was strange and also found that it does show version 0.5.0 at this API endpoint.


Someone else on discord mentioned having this issue and that the missing version showed up for them after they pushed a new release.

I have a new release I want to publish today, so the 0.5.0 release might show up afterwards. Hopefully the information in this will be helpful still for investigating the issue even if 0.5.0 starts showing up after I publish 0.5.1. I'll add a comment to this issue about whether or not it shows up afterward.

KyleJune commented 1 year ago

I just pushed version 0.5.1. After doing so, version 0.5.0 is showing up.

KnorpelSenf commented 1 year ago

Is this similar to denoland/dotland#2611 and denoland/dotland#2677?

KyleJune commented 1 year ago

I believe this one is different because it was not available even if you changed the URL to use the missing version. In your case it didn't show up in the list but you said you could still go to it by changing the URL to use the missing version.

If I'm wrong and they are the same, this issue has more details, so I think it would be good to keep this issue open.

KnorpelSenf commented 1 year ago

I absolutely agree it should stay open since this is still an issue. I was asking out of curiosity :)

Yes, you are right that this issue is different. I was able to access the released version, it just wasn't labelled as latest.

dansalias commented 11 months ago

I'm encountering the same thing. - latest tag is 2.2.0 published 4 days ago - successful publish - latest is 2.1.0, 2.2.0 not showing

I'm aware this has already been flagged and closed in and, but it seems to still be a recurring issue.

KnorpelSenf commented 11 months ago

Those two issues were different. The versions were published, they just did not show up as latest. Here, the versions are not even published. It's funny because I now have the same problem as you and @KyleJune since 3 days ago.

KnorpelSenf commented 11 months ago

@crowlKats is this something that you can fix manually again?