denpamusic / php-bitcoinrpc

Fully unit-tested Bitcoin JSON-RPC client based on GuzzleHttp.
MIT License
283 stars 100 forks source link

In simple #60

Open vahidalvandi opened 2 years ago

vahidalvandi commented 2 years ago

Hi I am php developer I want send bitcoin form self wallet to another. Dothis package cab help me?

simwood-simon commented 2 years ago

Yes, but you'll need a bitcoin node for it to make RPC calls to - it does the RPC calls, the node interacts with the network.

vahidalvandi commented 2 years ago

This package use in crypto exchange?

jarbey commented 2 years ago

No. This package is "only" (and it's great), a wrapper of the native Json-RPC API of a bitcoin node