denschub / firefox-tabgroups

[UNMAINTAINED] A Firefox addon that provides tab grouping features similar to the removed TabView/TabGroups/Panorama features.
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Group my Groups #41

Closed KamiSamaFreak closed 8 years ago

KamiSamaFreak commented 8 years ago

The ability to Group several tab groups would be amazing.

example current:




-->Final Fantasy



--> -->Zelda

--> -->Spyro

--> -->Mariokart

--> -->Final Fantasy

I hope this comes across, err this text Editor bullet-list wont make sub-bullet points.

denschub commented 8 years ago

Hm. I've thought about this and honestly, I am not a fan of this idea. I'd like both the UI and the code of this extension to be as simple as possible, and nesting groups would definitely add a lot of complexity on both ends.

There are extension like Tree Style Tab which should cover your use case as well.

Since I do not really see the benefit and I doubt there are a lot of people interesting in actually nesting groups, I'll close this feature request. If, for some reason, a lot of people want to have this, we can always reopen, of course.

Thanks for your contribution nonetheless!