dense-analysis / ale

Check syntax in Vim/Neovim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support
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Support twig-lint #1607

Open jwmwalrus opened 6 years ago

jwmwalrus commented 6 years ago


I apologize in advance if this question is too obvious, but: is there a straightforward way to add support for the Twig linter?

lukepass commented 4 years ago

It could be really useful!

nospam2998 commented 2 years ago

Unless someone has a special urge to implement a CSV parser in VimL, the first natural step could be to contribute a PR to Support JSON output #28. Once that is done, one might also want to focus more effort on twig-lint prior to creating an ALE handler for it. As mentioned by the tool author in Twig version support #46, twig-lint needs some love.

It might still be the only generic twig linter out there. Symfony supposedly has a twig linter, but it is likely only intended for projects using that framework.

rodrigoaguilerasuntory commented 1 week ago

It seems like the modern tool for twig linting these days is

It doesn't seem to support JSON though

but I guess other ALE linters use junit.

I would change the title of this issue to "Support a twig linter" (any is better than none)