We have a custom path set for the phpcs config and since the phpcs command was update in this commit it hasn't worked.
The issue can be worked around by using the default name and having phpcs search up the directory tree for the config file as mentioned in #2533. However, we also have some custom sniffs that are loaded relative to the working directory and there is no way around that as far as I can tell :(
Reproducing the bug
Set let g:ale_php_phpcs_standard = './ruleset.xml'
Make Ale do PHP linting
(finished - exit code 3) ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'cd ''/home/jacek/Desktop/development/the/real/folder' && ''/home/jacek/Desktop/development/.../'vendor/bin/phpcs'' -s --report=emacs --stdin-path=''/home/jacek/Desktop/development/.../file.php'' --standard=''./ruleset.xml'' < ''/tmp/vA6usb1/104/file.php''']
ERROR: the "./ruleset.xml" coding standard is not installed. The installed coding standards are PSR1, PEAR, MySource, Squiz, Zend, PSR2 and PSR12
I changed a few of the paths there, they were valid and pointed to the correct files (except the ruleset) in actual output.
VIM version
Operating System: Ubuntu 19.10 Terminal: Alacritty + tmux
What went wrong
We have a custom path set for the phpcs config and since the phpcs command was update in this commit it hasn't worked.
The issue can be worked around by using the default name and having phpcs search up the directory tree for the config file as mentioned in #2533. However, we also have some custom sniffs that are loaded relative to the working directory and there is no way around that as far as I can tell :(
Reproducing the bug
let g:ale_php_phpcs_standard = './ruleset.xml'
I changed a few of the paths there, they were valid and pointed to the correct files (except the ruleset) in actual output.