Open fa7ad opened 4 years ago
If I try running :!bsc -format % -o %
in the vim command line this shows the output of the formatted file but it doesn't put it into the buffer. You can however run :!bsrefmt --in-place %
. bsrefmt
also gets installed when you install bs-platform
is included with bs-platform
as well. The problem here is that bsrefmt
is meant for the reasonml syntax, bsc -format
for the new/rescript syntax (and they are not compatible).
You're right the command I provided doesn't seem to work as intended but, :%!bsc -format % -o -
seems to do the trick.
Ah - thanks for that :%!bsc -format % -o -
I've just tested bsc
and it starts giving reason-language-server linting errors for my Reason file (old style *.re
I think there needs to be a new filetype rescript
/ ReScript
that uses bsc
and the current reason
filetype should switch to bsrefmt
I've made a post in the forum to reach more people.
I've hacked together fixer support in my vim config:
let g:ale_fixers = {
\ 'rescript': [
\ {buffers -> {
\ 'command': 'bsc -color never -format %t'
\ }},
\ ],
Works well but it doesn't have the fancy support like other fixers to find the right executables in node modules or globally.
Re: linter, like I mention in the post ryyppy’s vim-rescript fork has a function rescript#parsing#ParseCompilerErrorOutput(lines) that is supposed to parse errors into quickfix format. Maybe it could be a good start for making a linter.
With the latest changes to the editor plugins and the new rescript package, having vim-ale working with lsp with rescript is feasible.
See for more details. Example linter (with my very limited ale knowledge):
" Requirements: `rescript` npm package, `vim-rescript` installed in vim, and run `rescript build -w` to get up to date diagnostics
" Replace this with your path either in this file or in your vim config
call ale#Set('rescript_lsp_js_file', '~/.vim/plugged/vim-rescript/server/out/server.js')
" Give vim-ale the rescript executable to check because the LSP server is
" a non-executable JS file
call ale#Set('rescript_executable', 'rescript')
call ale#Set('rescript_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 1))
function! rescript_ale#GetRootDir(buffer) abort
let l:config = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'bsconfig.json')
return !empty(l:config) ? fnamemodify(l:config, ':p:h') : ''
function! FormatRescript(buffer) abort
return {
\ 'command': 'rescript format -stdin .res'
call ale#fix#registry#Add('rescript', 'FormatRescript', ['rescript'], 'rescript formatter')
call ale#linter#Define('rescript', {
\ 'name': 'rescript',
\ 'lsp': 'stdio',
\ 'executable': {b -> ale#node#FindExecutable(b, 'rescript', [
\ 'node_modules/.bin/rescript',
\ 'rescript'
\ ])},
\ 'command': {b -> 'node ' . ale#Var(b, 'rescript_lsp_js_file') . ' --stdio'},
\ 'project_root': function('rescript_ale#GetRootDir'),
\ 'language': 'rescript',
On your vim configuration, init.vim or .vimrc for example, configure ale:
let g:ale_linters = {
\ 'rescript': ['rescript'],
let g:ale_fixers = {
\ 'rescript': ['rescript'],
And that’s it! Remember to run rescript build -w
on your rescript project to get up to date diagnostics.
Name: rescript URL:
A little detail: ReScript is the new syntax for bucklescript (the compiler used by reasonml).
is compatible with this new syntax. But the fixer is different, instead ofrefmt --in-place
we need to runbsc -format % -o %
.Please let me know if I can be of any help, I'm not very familiar with the inner workings of ALE but I might be able to help with more details about rescript if needed.